
The Most Humane Profession at the Forefront of the Greatest Challenge: Nurses with a Key Role in the Fight against Coronavirus


On the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, in the year dedicated to the nurses throughout the world, nurses face the greatest challenge – the virus that has crossed borders in a short period of time and spread to all continents, imposing new rules and procedures that change daily and are shared immediately across all countries in the world.

Biljana Dilevska, head nurse at Acibadem Sistina Hospital, emphasizes the importance of the profession, stressing that nurses are at the forefront in the fight against coronavirus.

“Nurses take an ethical and professional oath when choosing their profession, which proves that caring for others and humanity will be their primary and most important mission in life. Our profession is something that is done with pride and pleasure, a profession that is entrusted only to those who have a special empathy for people and their problems. Whenever some of the nurses or departments receive praise for their work, the answer is always the same – it is a privilege to take care of the most sacred thing of a person – his health and life”, says Dilevska.


Medical Staff and Patients at Acibadem Sistina are Maximally Protected

Nurses, says Dilevska, are the most numerous medical staff directly involved in the fight against the Covid-19, the most modern, invisible but strongest enemy that humanity has ever dealt with.

“Mankind has never faced such a great challenge to act quickly and united for the common good of all. With the declaring of the coronavirus epidemic in China, Acibadem Sistina Hospital has raised its standards of caution, and even before the announcement of the pandemic, we began to monitor the situation. A crisis headquarters has been set up reporting on the measures taken every day and the situation in the country and the world”, says Dilevska.

The most common question nurses asked themselves at the beginning, she said, was whether the personal protection they used was sufficient and whether precautionary measures were appropriate for the departments where they worked. Head nurse Dilevska says that the sense of collective security is an important factor in the work of nurses.

“At the working meetings of the Committee for Prevention and Control of Hospital-Acquired Infections, decisions were made to develop working procedures for patients with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 and to use personal protective equipment based on the risk level. Constant education and monitoring have led all staff to be constantly informed of the situation in the hospital and the state, as well as to receive daily reports on the progress of the virus in the world. The situation with the coronavirus has taught us something that has been part of every healthcare professional for a long time, caring not only for the patients, but also for everyone in the team”, says Dilevska.

The role of nurses is crucial in coronavirus conditions. In addition to caring for the patients and treating them, they are also their greatest psychological support in these difficult times. The humanity of the profession is even more pronounced in these moments.


“Doctors, as the major providers of healthcare, set the principles for the treatment of patients, but for the most part of the day, nurses are the ones caring for patients and directly contacting with patients. The primary rule at Acibadem Sistina is that the patient is the most important thing and that the right to health is a basic human right. High standards of operation in our hospital provide security in every sector, not only for patients, but also for visitors and all employees, without exception. A nurse’s day at work is filled with professionalism, responsibility, quick and precise activities, but also emotions and compassion. Every patient is different, every patient requires a special approach, but every patient is a huge responsibility for anyone who knows how difficult it is to always be rational and professional. Throughout our working day we meet patients with all kinds of medical issues and the nurse not only takes care of the therapy and care of the patient, but also of his mental condition. This segment of our work makes us special, this is where closeness is created with the patient that only a nurse can create”, shares Dilevska.


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Protective Suits and Masks Cannot Hide the Positive Energy and Smile on the Faces of Nurses Fighting Coronavirus

Nurse Dilevska sends a message to all nurses that this difficult, turbulent and uncertain period can be overcome only with cohesion, positive energy and professionalism.

“We, the nurses, have the most powerful weapon that helps us face all the challenges in our profession, and that is certainly our smile. Neither protective masks nor protective suits will hide your smile, and your eyes will always be a mirror of the nurses’ big humane heart. The message that nurses are sending to the rest of the world is about following the World Health Organization’s measures and recommendations and raising national awareness. By adhering to protection measures, we show respect for every healthcare professional and respect for the fight of nurses against coronavirus. Happy International Nurses’ Day and let this difficult year teach us all that our profession is the most humane and most responsible, because it is about life!”, says Dilevska.

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