
New service in “Acibadem Sistina” – free of charge pharmaceutical consultation


Pharmaceutical care is part of the pharmaceutical practice, which requires a direct mutual relationship of the pharmacist with the patient, in order to: patient’s needs care, related to the prescribed drugs and the current health state. The main goal is based on proper and timely monitoring of patients’ health problems in order to achieve safe, effective and humane therapy. Jelena Micic, MA, Head of Hospital Pharmacy at Acibadem Sistina Hospital, explains about the role of the pharmacist, all the questions and dilemmas that the patient faces, but also about the new service –free of charge pharmaceutical consultation.

 What is the pharmacist’s role in the patient’s treatment process?

In direct communication with the doctors, a pharmacist implements a therapy plan that meets general patient’s goals, set by the health care team. The treatment plan is supported by specialized knowledge on the drugs scientific and clinical use, including: drugs action, proper dosing and proper distribution of the drugs dosing intervals, side effects and interactions between them. The pharmacist discusses with the patient the therapy benefits, explains precisely the disease or condition and how the medicine affects it.


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What are the most common patient’s questions and dilemmas?

Before incorporating this strategy or evaluating existing therapy, great attention is taken to questions addressed to patients: what they know about the drugs, whether they believe in them and whether they understand the need to use them. Patients need information about their condition and possible therapies if we are to include them in the decision-making process for their therapy. The most common patient’s questions and dilemmas, for which it is necessary the pharmacist-patient communication to be established, and for which special attention should be paid in order the patient’s knowledge to be understood, as well as their beliefs and concerns about therapy that are


  1. What will happen if one does not take the prescribed medication?
  2. Non-pharmacological alternatives to medications?
  3. How to reduce or discontinue medications taken over a long period of time, especially those where there is an obvious symptoms reduction?
  4. How to adjust medication to one’s daily routine?
  5. How to choose a medication, if patients think that they are taking too much?
  6. How to make the most appropriate therapeutic plan when the patient takes therapy that consists of two or more medications?
  7. Are medications taken with or without a meal?
  8. How do medications affect the condition?
  9. Possible or significant side effects and what should be done when they occur?
  10. What is the procedure in case of a medication missed dose?
  11. Are further therapies needed after the first prescription?




What interventions are needed at patients with chronic therapy, combination of medications?

Patients do not always take the medications exactly as prescribed, so health professionals are not aware how the patient is taking the prescribed therapy. Therefore, the assessment is not made to monitor the patient, yet to confirm whether the patient needs additional information and support.



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Free of charge pharmaceutical consultation for all patients at Acibadem Sistina Hospital


Acibadem Sistina Clinical Hospital provides a promotional service – free of charge pharmaceutical consultation for their patients, on all issues related to the prescribed therapy, adherence to it, preparation of a pharmacological-therapeutic plan and evaluation of medicament treatment, in order to improve patient’s health and quality living. Basically, through our contact center 3099500 one can make an appointment and consult a pharmacist, who will contact you as soon as possible.

The service purpose?

The focus is on interventions that will overcome some of the practical problems that patients face while taking regular therapy. The interventions are targeted according to patient’s individual needs and consist of:

– Advice to patients to evaluate each medication taking

– Encourage patients to monitor their condition

– Dosage regime simplification

– Advice on benefits, side effects and long-term results so that the patient can make an informed choice

– Emphasis on consultation, especially on the population of patients taking therapy encompassing several medications simultaneously, by evaluating the complete therapy according to laboratory parameters, clinical findings and current health status.