
Goran Popov, the football player of FC “Vardar” returns to sport fields after the surgery


After a year of uncertainty whether he will be able to continue his professional football career, Goran Popov returned the smile on his face. He has solved his most serious problem at “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital. A surgery of his knee was successfully performed by Dr. Mihajlo Ivanovski and his team. It is a meniscus injury, and constant pain and swelling to the knee, a common injury in athletes.

“There is no way to thank Dr. Ivanovski and the entire team of doctors, nurses and physiotherapists who took care of me during the stay at “Acibadem Sistina”. They are most creditable that I stand up on my feet for a short time and that I will be able to return to the football field so soon.

Dr. Ivanovski was my biggest support during the entire process. I have been suffering from this injury for 6 months. I had a large swelling after every match and I could not bend my leg so I was forced to rest for a few days in order to stand on my feet again. I am pleased by Dr. Iliev and Dr. Ivanovski and how successfully they have treated the injury”, says Goran Popov.
Football player Popov was able to stand on both legs just a day after the surgery, and he could freely stand and move without difficulties. He did not hide the satisfaction that he left a serious problem behind him since it could seriously put an end to his successful football career. Dr. Mihailo Ivanovski says that he will closely follow up his recovery in the next period. He adds that he is open for all his patients and available to discuss their health.

“The surgery went very well and just a day after the intervention Goran could stand on his feet and take short walks at the hospital. It is result of his excellent form and muscle mass that undoubtedly will accelerate the whole process of recovery in order to be able to return to sports activities in about 6-8 weeks. Physical therapy and another PRP treatment would be necessary before Goran returns to the field at full speed, but it’s only a matter of time”, says Dr. Mihailo Ivanovski.

The case of Popov is another in a series of successful stories realized by the professional team of doctors at “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital. The multidisciplinary approach to treatment makes this hospital unique and the best in the region.