
New smile and healthy teeth for the young Blagojche


New smile and healthy teeth for the young Blagojche

Blagoja Atanasov, the young hero with Down’s syndrome has never been to a dentist. He is only 10 years and often complains of pain in his teeth caused by inflammation of the gums, swelling and caries. Because of the severity of his disease, Down’s syndrome, none of the doctors have decided to repair and pull out his teeth. Due to frequent pain caused by his crooked teeth, Blagoja has not been able to eat.  

The team of dentists led by Dr. Mile Marin, last week filled three permanent teeth and pulled out his milk teeth,which caused him eating problems due to frequent pain. The intervention was performed under general anesthesia, because it is a question of a disabled child who cooperates very hard with the dentist. 

Prior to the intervention, young Blagoja was examined by the team of cardiologists and anesthesiologists, who confirmed that the child is in good health condition and the intervention can be performed under general anesthesia. At the first examination it was determined that the teeth are in good condition, that he feels great and can eat without any problem. 

The day of the examination Blagoja turned 10 years and he celebrated his birthday together with the staff of the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”. The young brave hero got a birthday cake, many gifts and a certificate of courage.





Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” wishes you good health, carefree childhood and a lot of smiles!



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