1. Arsimi
Subspecialiste në endokrinologji
Fakulteti i Mjekësisë – Shkup, Universiteti “Sh. Kiril dhe Metodi”
Doktore e shkencave mjekësore
Fakulteti i Mjekësisë – Shkup, Universiteti “Sh. Kiril dhe Metodi”
Specialiste e mjekësisë interne
Fakulteti i Mjekësisë – Shkup, Universiteti “Sh. Kiril dhe Metodi”
Magjistre e shkencave mjekësore
Fakulteti i Mjekësisë – Shkup, Universiteti “Sh. Kiril dhe Metodi”
Doktoreshë e mjekësisë
Fakulteti i Mjekësisë – Shkup
Universiteti “Sh. Kiril dhe Metodi”
2. Përvoja në punë
2024 – …
Spitali klinik „Axhibadem Sistina“
Specialiste në endokrinologji
ISHP Klinika Universitare për Endokrinologji, Diabet dhe Sëmundje Metabolike, Shefe e departamenti
3. Gjuhë të huaja
4. Anëtarësime
- Kryetare e Shoqatës së Diabetit të Maqedonisë – aкtualе
- Kryetare e Kongresit IV-të dhe V-të të Endokrinologjisë Maqedonase 2014, 2018
- Kryetare e Shoqatës Shkencore të Endokrinologëve dhe Diabetologëve të Maqedonisë 2014 – aкtuale
- Kryetare e Komitetit Kombëtar për diabet 2015-2017
- Kryetare dhe themeluese e Ditëve të Parë të Diabetit – 2016
- Kryetare e Ditëve të Diabetit (nga e dyti në tetë) – 2017-2023
- Anëtare e European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), American Diabetes Association (ADA), International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Diabetes Education Study Group (DESG)
- Anëtare e IDF Europe Board për 2019/2022, i rizgjedhur 2022/2025
- Anëtare e European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) – Educational Committee 2021/2025
- Kryetare e DESG 2023/2027
5. Publikime
- Influence of diabetic education on patients well-being and metabolic control. Milenkovic T, Gavrilovic S, Percan V, Petrovski G. Diabetologia Croatica 33-3, 2004.
- 20-week multicentre, prospective, open-label study of the efficacy, safety and applicability of repaglinide as a first line therapy in treating type 2 diabetes patients in diabetes centres in macedonia. Milenkovic T, Kozar-Markovic O, Percan V, Vesov G, Mitkova M, Kuzinovska N, Aleksovski B, Makrevska S, Kostojcinoska M, Neceva L, Mat R, Limani E, Kovacevska J. Endocrinologia volX No 1/2005
- Lipid-lowering effect of simvastatin and behavioral modification in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, G.Petrovski. Diabetologia Doświadczalna i Kliniczna 2006, 6, 2, 65-68...
5. Publikime
- Influence of diabetic education on patients well-being and metabolic control. Milenkovic T, Gavrilovic S, Percan V, Petrovski G. Diabetologia Croatica 33-3, 2004.
- 20-week multicentre, prospective, open-label study of the efficacy, safety and applicability of repaglinide as a first line therapy in treating type 2 diabetes patients in diabetes centres in macedonia. Milenkovic T, Kozar-Markovic O, Percan V, Vesov G, Mitkova M, Kuzinovska N, Aleksovski B, Makrevska S, Kostojcinoska M, Neceva L, Mat R, Limani E, Kovacevska J. Endocrinologia volX No 1/2005
- Lipid-lowering effect of simvastatin and behavioral modification in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, G.Petrovski. Diabetologia Doświadczalna i Kliniczna 2006, 6, 2, 65-68
- Clinical utility of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in patients with type 1 diabetes: a macedonian report. G.Petrovski, C.Dimitrovski, T.Milenkovic Diabetologia Croatica 35-4, 2006.
- Insulin pump therapy with continuous glucose monitoring improves metabolic control in brittle type 1 diabetes. G.Petrovski, C.Dimitrovski, T.Milenkovic. Contributions, Sec.Med.Sci, MASA, XXVIII, l, p. 129-135 (2007)
- Long-term efficacy and safety of insulin detemir compared to neutral protamine hagedorn insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes using a treat- тo-target basal–bolus regimen with insulin aspart at meals: a 2-year, randomized, controlled trial. Bartley et al. Diabetic Medicine, 2008; 25: 442– 449.
- Liraglutide once a day versus exenatide twice a day for type 2 diabetes: a 26-week randomised, parallel-group, multinational, open-label trial (lead-6). Buse JB et al. The Lancet, 2009; 374(9683): 39-47.
- Is there a difference in pregnancy and glycemic outcome in patients with type 1 diabetes in insulin pump with constant or intermittent glucose monitoring? A pilot study. Petrovski, C.Dimitrovski, M.Bogoev, T.Milenkovic, I.Ahmeti, I.Bitovska. Diabetes Technology&Therapeutics, Volume 13, Number 11, 2011
- Патофизиолошката улога на инкретините во третманот на дијабетесот тип 2. Т.Миленковиќ. Vox Medici, година XVII, број 61, 00006-00008, 2008
- Liraglutide – нова терапија во третманот на тип 2 дијабетесот. Т.Миленковиќ Vox Medici, година XIX, број 69, 00120-00122, 2010
- Анализа на можни ризик фактори за хипертензија кај пациенти со тип 2 дијабетес. Т.Миленковиќ, В.Перцан, Г.Петровски, С.Шубеска-Стратрова, С.Мишевска, И.Ахмети. Книга на абстракти 3ти Македонски Конгрес по Ендокринологија, стр. 53, 2008
- Effect of a diet and exercise intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes. T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, G.Petrovski, J.Misevska. 2006 Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, 23 (Suppl. 4), 608-753
- Influence of lovastatin on oxidative stress and mda – modifed ldl particles in patients with dyslipidemia. V.Percan, T.Milenkovic, T.Rushkova, K.Bogoeva, G.Petrovski. 2006 Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, 23 (Suppl. 4), 608-753
- Individual patient education after continuous glucose monitoring in type 1 diabetics. G.Petrovski, T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, C.Dimitrovski, M.Bogoev. 2006 Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, 23 (Suppl. 4), 608-753
- Assesment of structured group education program in patients with diabetes on intensify therapy. T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, G.Petrovski, S.J.Mishevska, I.Ahmeti. Therapeutic Patient Education, 4th International DAWN summit, Budapest, Humgary, 2008
- Evaluation of group versus individual diabetes education. V.Percan, T.Milenkovic, G.Petrovski, S.J.Mishevska, A.Ahmeti. Therapeutic Patient Education, 4th International DAWN summit, Budapest, Humgary, 2008
- Clinical utility of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in patients with type 1 diabetes in Мacedonia. G.Petrovski, C.Dimitrovski, M.Bogoev, T.Milenkovic. Abstracts 1st Internation Conference on Advanced Technologies&Treatments for Diabetes, page 114, 2008
- Back to the future (a case report): intraperitoneal as alternative of subcutaneous insulin delivery in type 1 diabetic with ESRD. G.Petrovski, L.Nikolovski, C.Dimitrovski, T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, GS Balabanova. Program and Abstract book 3-rd Macedonian Congress on endocrinology, page 51, 2008
- Significant improvements in glycemic control with BIAsp 30 in clinical reality: experience from clinical practice in Мacedonia. T.Milenkovic, I.Smokovski, E.Kulumova, N.Stojanovski, B.Aleksov. Diabetes DIEAZ 58 Supplement(1) I-A784, 2009
- Factor analysis of possible risks for hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes. T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, G.Petrovski. Abstract Boook The 3rd World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension, page 38A, 2010
- Correlation of HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose and plasma glucose 2 hours after 75-grams oral OGTT. T.Milenkovic, V.Percan, M.Zdravskovska. Journal of Diabetes, Volume 3 Suppl. 1, page 265, 2011
- Diabetic foot with risk for ulceration associated with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. I.Ahmeti, N.Laban-Guceva, B.Jovanovska, T.Milenkovic, K.Adamova. Endocrine Abstracts (2011) Vol 26
- The impact of comprehensive patient management with structured smbg on glycemic control in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Milenkovic, V.Percan. Poster booklet, Scientific session on the results of an international observational study at 4th Accu-Chek key opinion leader network meeting, page19, 2011
- Challenges and Opportunities. Annals of Global Health; Smokovski I, Milenkovic T, Trapp C, Mitov A. Diabetes Care in Republic of Macedonia; 2015; 81(6): 792-802.
- Comment on Publications from OpT2mise Study. Milenkovic T, Kocova, M, Krstevska B, Pemovska G, Smokovski I. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2016; 18(7):1-2.
- Prediabetes awareness among Southeastern European physicians; Kokic V, Kokic S, Krnic M, Petric M, Liberati AM, Simac P, Milenkovic T, Capkun V, Rahelic D, Baslov K. J Diabetes Investig 2017.
- Correlation entre les scores de risques d’ulceration du pied chez les diabetiques renale chronique. I.Ahmet, I Nikolov, A.Elezi, I.Mladenovska, I.Bitovska, MS Jovanovska, N.Bozhinovska, T.Milenkovic; Nephrologgie&Therapeutique, Vol 13 issue 5, September 2017, pages 398-399.
- First stratified diabetes prevalence data for Republic of Macedonia derived from the National eHealth system, I.Smokovski, T.Milenkovic, Nam H.Cho. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 143 (2018) 179-183
- Efficacy and safety of once-weekly semaglutide versus once-daily insulin glargine as add-on to metformin (with or without sulfonilureas) in insulin-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes (SUSTAINE 4): a randomized, open-label, parallel-group, multicenter, multinational, phase 3a trial. V.R.Aroda, S.Bain, B.Cariou, M.Piletic, L.Rose, M Axelsen et all. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017 May;5(5):355-366.
- Sotagliflozin in Patients with Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease. Szarek M, Pitt B, Cannon CP, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Lewis JB, Riddle MC, Inzucchi SE, Kosiborod MN, Cherney DZI, Dwyer JP, Bhatt DL, Scirica BM, SCORED Investigators. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2021, 384(2):129-139
- Mediterranean Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Perpetual Inspiration for the Scientific World. A Review. Tatjana Milenkovic, Nadica Bozhinovska, Djuro Macut, Jelica Bjekic-Macut, Dario Rahelic, Zelija Velija Asimi and Azra Burekovic. Nutrients 2021, 13, 1307
- Cross-Sectional Associations between Mothers and Children’s Breakfast Routine—The Feel4Diabetes-Study. Natalia Giménez-Legarre, Alba M. Santaliestra-Pasías, Greet Cardon, Rurik Imre, Violeta Iotova, Jemina Kivelä, Stavros Liatis, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Christina Mavrogianni, Tatjana Milenkovic, Anna Nánási, Tsvetalina Tankova, Patrick Timpel, Ruben Willems, Yannis Manios, Luis A. Moreno. Nutrients 2021, 13, 720.
- Metabolic syndrome and myocardial infarction in women. Dj Macut, S Ognjanović, M Ašanin, G Krljanac T Milenkovic. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2021, 27, 1-8
- Efficacy of Pregabalin and Duloxetine in Patients with Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy PDPN): A Multi-Centre Phase IV Clinical Trial—BLOSSOM. M Rakusa, I Marolt, Z Stevic, S Vuckovic Rebrina, T Milenkovic, A Stepien. Pharmaceuticals 2023, 16, 1017
- Once-weekly semaglutide use in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist naïve patients with type 2 diabetes in North Macedonia: Real-world data from the MIRAGE study. Tatjana Milenkovikj, Biljana Chekorova Mitreva, Sasha Jovanovska Mishevska, Iskra Bitoska-Mileva, Irfan Ahmeti, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Volume 206, 2023,
Hetuesi kryesor në Studimet Klinike Ndërkombëtare:
- BLOSSOM (Efficacy of pregabalin and duloxetine in patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (PDPN), 2019
- NN9535-4386 – SUSTAINE 11 (Effect of Semaglutide Once-weekly Versus Insulin Aspart Three Times Daily, Both as Add on to Metformin and Optimised Insulin Glargine (U100) in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes), 2019
- EFC 1475 – SCORED (Sotagliflozin in Patients with Diabetes and and Chronic Kidney Disease), 2019
- LPS 15017 Global premix (A multi-center open-label parallel group randomized controlled trial to compare iGlarLixi versus premixed insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes who have failed to achieve glycemic control with basal insulin and oral antidiabetic agents, 2019
- NN9535-3625 SUSTAINE 4 (Efficacy and Safety of Semaglutide Once Weekly Versus Insulin Glargine Once Daily as add-on to Metformin With or Without Sulphonylurea in Insulin-naïve Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes), 2015
- NN9535-3625 (Efficacy and safety of semaglutide once weekly versus insulin glargine once daily as add-on to metformin with or without sulphonylurea in insulin-naïve subjects with type 2 diabetes), 2014
- NN5401-3816 (A trial investigating the efficacy and safety of insulin degludec/insulin aspart once daily plus insulin aspart for the remaining meals versus insulin detemir once or twice daily plus meal time insulin aspart in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus), 2013
- NN1250-3561 (A trial investigating the efficacy and safety of insulin degludec in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus), 2012
- ANA3786 (Efficacy and safety of basal-bolus therapy, comparing stepwise addition of insulin aspart versus complete basal-bolus regimen), 2010
- NN1250-3585/3725 (Comparison of NN1250 plus insulin detemir plus insulin aspart in type 1 diabetes) Biasp), 2010
- NN1250-3668 (Comparison of NN1250 with insulin glargine in type 2 diabetes), 2009
- NN2211-1797, (Effect of liraglutide or exenatide added to an ongoing treatment on blood glucose control in subjects with type 2 diabetes), 2007
- NN1998-1682, (Safety and efficay of inhaled pre-prandial human insulin in type 2 diabetes), 2006
14..NN304-1595, (Comparisan of insulin detemir with NPH insulin in type 2 diabetes), 2005
- AGEE/DCD/080, NovoNorm IST, 1996
• Mjekësia e brendshme, 2021
• Ushqimi mjekësor, Mishevska dhe bashkëpunëtor 2016
Edukimi për trajtimin e njerëzve me diabet nga Tatjana Milenkovic, 2005
• Provat klinike në propedeutikën e brendshme të mjekësisë së brendshme, fq. 395-400, 430-434, 2004.
• Praktikum në endokrinologji klinike nga Tatjana Milenkoviq dhe Goran Petrovski, 2003
• Testet endokrinologjike, Dimitrovski et al. 2001
6. Çmime, mirënjohje
Mirënjohje dhe pllakatë – Shoqata e Mjekëve të Maqedonisë
Çmim për bashkëpunim ndërkombëtar dhe kontribut të veçantë në zhvillimin e diabetologjisë kroate – Shoqata Kroate për Diabet dhe Çrregullimet Metabolike, Shoqata Mjekësore Kroate
Çmim për bashkëpunim ndërkombëtar – Shoqata e endokrinologëve dhe diabetologëve të Bosnjës dhe Hercegovinës
Çmim për arritje jetësore – The research trust of Diabetes India
Çmim për arritje jetësore – IDF International Diabetes Federation