
Acknowledgment to the employees of “Acibadem Sistina” for their sacrifice and commitment in taking care for the injured in Laskarci bus accident


Doctor’s Chamber of the Republic of North Macedonia awarded a certificate of appreciation to the Emergency Center of “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital for its participation in taking care and treatment of victims in the bus accident that happened on February 13, 2019 near Laskarci village, Skopje region. The Chamber acknowledged a public appreciation to all doctors involved in the action for showing commitment, responsibility and solidarity.

The certificate of appreciation was awarded at the ceremony by Ass. Prof. Dr. Kalina Grivcheva-Stardelova, the president of the Doctor’s Chamber of the Republic of North Macedonia, in the presence of some doctors of all healthcare institutions that arrived first and were actively involved in providing the first aid at the scene of the accident.

“Acibadem Sistina” Hospital participated with its logistics. It had made available all its capacities for treatment of the injured in the accident, without any compensation. All human, expert (professional), technical and capacities with the most advanced  equipment were included for all injured. The Emergency Center of the Hospital, under the management by Dr. Mihajlo Ivanovski, immediately sent three vehicles to the scene of the accident to hospitalize the injured from the bus.