5. Publikime
G. Publikime Shkencore
1. Botime origjinale
1. Erman A, Winkler J, Chen -Gal B, Rabinov M, Zelikovsky, Tager S, Schmueli H, Levy E, Akbary A, Rosenfeld JB. Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme by ramipril in serum and tissue of man. J Hypertension 1991;9:1057-1062.
2. Manoach M, Tager S, Erez M, Varon D, Vaugham Williams M. The defibrillating effect of high cardiac catecholamine level (abst). J Mol Cell Cardiol 1992;24(Suppl V): 69.
3. Ghosh PK, Tager S, Raanani E, Levy MJ. Late outcome of valve replacement with the Cross-Jones Caged-Lens prosthesis. J Heart Valve Dis 1993;2:485 – 6.
4. Pethig K, Wahlers T, Tager S, Borst HG. Perioperative complications in combined aortic valve replacement and extra-anatomic ascending – descending bypass. Ann Thorac Surg 1996;61:1724-6.
5. Wagshall AB, Tager S, Maor E, Weinstein JM, Ganiel A, Katz A, Ovsysher IE. Implantable defibrillator endocarditis. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1999;22:1120.
6. Wagshall AB, Appelbaum A, Crystal P, Goldfarb B, Erez A, Tager S, Katz A. Atrial tachycardia as the presenting sign of a left atrial appendage aneurysm. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2000;23:283-5.
7. Gilad J, Borer A, Peled N, Reisenberg K, Tager S, Appelbaum A, Schlaeffer F. Hospital-acquired brevundimonas vesicularis septicaemia following open-heart surgery: case report and literature review. Scand J Infect Dis 2000;32:90-1.
8. Marcus-Braun N, Segal D, Merkin M, Wiznitzer A, Katz M, Tager S, Ilya R, Mazor M. Anticoagulation in Pregnant women with prosthetic heart valve – a new approach for therapy. Harefuah. 2003 Jul; 142(7): 508-11, 567.
9. Gatot I, Abramov D, Tsodikov V, Yeshaaiahu M, Orman S, Gavriel A, Chorni I, Tuvbin D, Tager S, Apelbaum A. Should We give Prophylactic “Renal-Dose” Dopamine After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery? J Card Surg 2004; 19:128-33.
10.Abramov D, Yeshaaiahu M, Tsodikov V, Gatot I, Orman S, Gavriel A, Chorni I, Tuvbin D, Tager S, Apelbom A. Timing of chest tube removal after coronary artery bypass surgery. J Card Surg. 2005;20(2):142-6.
11.Jovev S, Tager S, Spirovski Z, Arsovski A, Trajkovska T, Proevska D, Kondov G, Colanceski R, Spirovska V. Right heart haemodynamics after lung resection; the role of the transthoracic echo-doppler cardiography. Prilozi 2006 Dec;27(2):201-16.
12.Spigelstein D, Ghosh P, Sternik L, Tager S, Shinfeld A, Raanani U. Current Strategies of Mitral Valve Repair. IMAJ 2007;9:303-9.
13.Yuan SM, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Kassif Y, Raanani E. Modifications of
composite grafts for coronary bypass surgery. Int J Cardiol 2007;121:196-7 .
14.Sheih YB, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Preisman S, Smolinsky A, Raanani U. Aortic Valve Spearing surgery. Harefuah 2007; 146(11):849-53, 910.
15.Yuan S, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Raanani U. Onset of neo-aortic root dilatation 18 years after an arterial switch operation. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2008; 9:298-300.
16.Yuan SM, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Raanani E. Onset of neoaortic root dilatation 18 years after an arterial switch operation. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2008;9(3):298-300.
17.Sheick Yousif B, Sheinfield A, Tager S, Ghosh P, Priesman S, Smolinsky AK, Raanani E. Aortic root surgery in Marfan syndrome. IMAJ 2008;10:189-93.
18.Kogan A, Ghosh P, Preisman S, Tager S, Sternik L, Lavee J, Kasiff I, Raanani E. Risk factors for failed “fast-tracking” after cardiac surgery in patients older than 70 years. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 2008;22(4):530-5.
19.Yuan SM, Tager S, Raanani E. Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left coronary sinus. Chang Gung Med J 2009;32:455-8.
20.Yuan SM, Tager S, Raanani E. Fever of unknown origin as a primary presentation of chronic aortic dissection. Vascular 2009;17:230-3.
21.Yuan SM, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Raanani E. Aortic aneurysm-induced disseminated intravascular coagulopathy: successful surgical repair. Vascular 2009;17:55-9.
22.Yuan SM, Tager S. Acute onset of chronic aortic dissection presenting as abdominal pain. Kardiologia Polska 2009;67:168-72.
23. Yuan SM, Tager S. Penetrating atheroscrlerotic ulcer aneurysm of the innominate artery. Vasa 2009;38:263-6.
3. Prezentime në mbledhje shkencore
1. Koren A, Tager S, Lestan B. Tetanic contraction of frog skeletal muscle perfused with cyanide/KCN. 11th Congress of the Union of Physiological Societies of Yugoslavia. Pristina, Sept. 24-26, 1979, Abstract p. 15.
2. Tager S, Lestan B, Koren A. Influence of 2,4 DNFB on tetanic exhaustion of m.
soleus and m. ext. digit. longus in rat. 12th Congress of federation of Yugoslavian
Society of Physiology. Sarajevo, Sept. 9-12, 1982, Abstract p. 11-79.
3.Tager S, Lestan B, Koren A, Sentjurc M, Schara M. Effect of some metabolic
inhibitors on the free radical concentrations in two metabolically different types
of isolated rat skeletal muscles during tetanic exhaustion. 14th Yugoslav
Biophysics Symposium. Opatija, Sept. 9-Oct. 1, 1983, Abstract p. 50.
4.Ghosh PK, Tager S, Levy MJ, Vidne BA. Late Outcome of Cross-Jones Caged Lens Valve Prosthesis. 14th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Barcelona, August, 1992.
5.Nili M, Tager S, Vidne BA. Pacemaker related septicemia or endocarditis- role of TEE in the Surgical approach. ICPEP 4th International Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology. Antalya, Oct 3-6, 1993.
6. Knyazer B, Bilenko N, Appelbaum A, Tager S, Abramov D, Bolotin A, Ganiel A, Gabriel A, Katz A. Cardiac Troponin-I Concentration after Coronary Artery Bypass: Predictors and the Impact on Atrial Fibrillation . Israeli Cardiological Society 2004.
7. Knyazer B, Bilenko N, Appelbaum A, Tager S, Abramov D, Ganiel A, Bolotin A, Gabriel A, Katz A. Predictors of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting; Insights From a Prospective Evaluation. Israeli Cardiological Society 2004.
8. Raanani E, shinfeld A, Shieck Yousif B, Tager S, Malachy A, Preisman S, Smolinsky A. Preservation of the aortic valve: remodeling or reimplantation? The 53rd Annual Conference of The Israel Heart Society, April 26-27, 2006 Tel Aviv, Israel.
9. Shinfeld A, Halpern R, Spiegelstein D, Malachy A, Tager S, Sternik L, Priesman S, Coman V, Smolinsky A, Raanani E. Short and mid term results of mitral valve repair using minimally invasive port-access technique. The 53rd Annual Conference of The Israel Heart Society, April 26-27, 2006 Tel Aviv, Israel.
10. Horev N, Spigelstein D, Sternik L, Tager S, Shinfeld A, Malachy A, Preisman S, Coman V, Raanani E. Results of Mitral Valve Repair for Anterior Compared with Posterior Leaflet Prolapse, 53rd Annual Conference of the Israel Heart Society and the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2006.
11. Spiegelstein D, Sternik L, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Sheick Yousif B, Coman V, Preisman S, Raanani E. The use of artificial chordae for the repair of the mitral valve. The 53rd Annual Conference of The Israel Heart Society, April 26-27, 2006 Tel Aviv, Israel.
12. Shieck Yousif B, Shinfeld A, Tager S, Malachy A, Preisman S, Smolinsky A. K., Raanani E. AV Sparing Surgery: Re-modeling or Re-implantation? The 54th Annual Conference of The Israel Heart Society, April 18-19, 2007 Tel Aviv, Israel.
13. Horev N, Ghosh P, Sternik L, Tager S, Shinfeld A, Malachy A, Raanani E. Feasibility and Mid Term Durability of Mitral Valve Repair in Acute Bacterial Endocarditis. 54th Annual Conference of the Israel Heart Society and the Israeli Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, April 18-19, 2007 Tel Aviv, Israel.
14. Horev N, Spiegelstein D, Sternik L, Tager S, Shinfeld A, Malachy A, Preisman S, Coman, V, Raanani E. Results of Mitral Valve Repair for Anterior Compared with Posterior Leaflet Prolapse. The 54th Annual Conference of The Israel Heart Society, April 18-19, 2007 Tel Aviv, Israel.