
We have one of the best teams of cardiologists, prompt and accurate diagnostics saves lives


The experience, as well as the continuous medical education are guarantee for an unquestionable quality, a team that works for patients, says Snezhana Bongard-Meshkovska, a cardiologist. She is one of the few physicians in the country who have passed echocardiography exam and specialization at the European Society of Cardiology. Dr. Meshkovska is part of the cardiology team of Acibadem Sistina Hospital and one of the few leading professionals when it comes to diagnostics of heart diseases. These are advantages that help in early detection of rare diseases, advantages for a higher protection of human health.

“I work on diagnostics of heart diseases since I think it is the initial and the most important moment for anything further. When good diagnosis, knowledge about diseases and advanced equipment are provided, detection of diseases by experienced staff will enable timely treatment and further medical care by a cardiac surgeon. There is no correct therapy if there is no good diagnosis”, says Dr. Meshkoska.

Dr. Meshkovska obtained her experience at the University Clinic in Skopje, but also abroad when she worked at the University Clinic in Geneva. Nowadays she works at Acibadem Sistina Hospital, where she came high-spirited and eager. However, part of her career advancement is due to the experience in this domestic private hospital, one of the best in the region. Dr. Meshkoska diagnosed diseases that are rare in the world, not only in Macedonia.

“The case when we found a special type of tumor in the heart of a pregnant woman is rarity, and we pointed it out by ultrasound even at the cardiography examination. Other rare diseases that I found at Acibadem Sistina Hospital, and which were crucial in the treatment, were Ebstein’s anomaly associated with stenosis and dilatation of the pulmonary artery, and complicated pulmonary thromboembolism in a patient at 26 years of age. Her life was saved by a cardiac surgery. A 33-year-old man was diagnosed a carcinoid syndrome. It is a rare disease where the tumor is localized in the pulmonary artery. It is a tumor characterized by severe attacks of elevated pressure and heart failure. This patient was saved several times as a result of his successful treatment at Acibadem Sistina. A fifty-five-year-old patient had a tumor in the pericardium, determined by magnetic resonance imaging of the heart; it is a new and modern examination in the cardiology that we perform as a routine”, adds Dr. Meshkoska.

She is determined that patients are provided the best treatment, and points out that the entire process is team-based and results in prompt diagnosis as it is crucial for the patient. She regularly visits the European cardiology congresses. As an author of a paper on Ebstein’s anomaly, accepted at the European Congress, Dr. Meshkoska represents both the hospital and the state.