
Thin prep – the most efficient PAP test for cervical screening


Thin prep – the most efficient PAP test for cervical screening

“Acibadem Sistina” Hospital started performing the latest PAP testing for cervical cancer screening named Thin Prep. Compared to the conventional PAP test, Thin-Prep represents a much more efficient and precise screening test. The sampling process is the same as for the conventional PAP test, but, instead of the directly placing the swab on a piece of glass which transfers only around 20 % of the cells, thanks to Thin- Prep, its liquid substance transfers up to 100 % of the cells. The sample preparation process from the cells is automatic, during which, the extra blood and mucus are eliminated and the diagnostics are much more precise. This enables more efficient detection of precancerous and cancerous changes of the cervix. The advantage of Thin prep is the fact that it detects high-risk types of HPV through a single sample, not requiring an additional swab sample. Furthermore, inflammatory diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be diagnosed directly from the sample.