
Thanks to Dr. Karagjozov I am walking again, my leg wasn’t fully amputated


Your partial amputation was not successful; the phlegmone is spreading, so we will have to amputate your leg to the ankle. If we don’t do this, you will lose your leg to the knee – explained my primary doctor while she was marking me on the dressing to where my leg should be amputated. At that moment I didn’t have blood in me. A thousands thoughts went through my mind. I couldn’t imagine not walking anymore, never wearing shoes or slippers for the beach.

They were scheduling a second operation which would include amputation

How is this possible? I was wondering how I could be diagnosed with “phlegmon” on the 13th day after my routine surgery for “diabetic foot”, which the professor corrected to “cyst”, if I took care of dressings every other day as adviced by the doctors and everything was in order. These were only a fraction of the thousand questions that went through my head as I watched the nurses and doctors accommodating me on a bed in a room with 7 patients. They concluded that my blood sugar reached 20 and they were scheduling a second surgery which would include amputation. Those hot days in July, with a temperature of 40 degrees, were hell for me. Dozens of colleagues, friends, acquaintances and medical personnel came to visit me. Everyone tried to help me as much as possible, giving me expert and friendly advise. But as the days passed, the situation was becoming unbearable. The medical council accepted the diagnosis that my leg should be amputated and my surgery was scheduled. I asked for an angiography so that we could see the blood vessels obstruction, but I was examined with the Doppler and the doctors concluded that it is best to open my leg and see how far the intervention will go, without any imaging.

I canceled the surgery, accepting the consequences

During the whole nightmare, only two persons from the team, who helped me decide to cancel the operation, advised me to seek help from another institution. They advised me not to allow the amputation because they were convinced that there was another solution. The first advise was to refer to Dr. Mitko Karagjozov at Sistina or to go to Bulgaria.

With the help of my friend, the contact was established. All required examinations were performed and Dr. Mitko Karagjozov accepted to operate on me. I signed a form that I canceled the previous surgery, left the hospital and was admitted at Acibadem Sistina Hospital. Furthermore, I had examinations done, as well as imaging, cleaning of the wound and “silver gauzes” treatment.

I was smiling again

I was smiling again
After a few days I was scheduled on the surgery program. I think that the staff remembers me, as I remember every detail and every minute spent in the hospital. I am sure that anyone who has met Dr. Karagjozov knows what an expert he is, even though as a doctor he was not as talkative and did not say much regarding what was about to happen. The suspense was terrible on one hand, but it was good on the other: I was smiling again, my blood sugar declined and therapy showed its first results. Anyone who previously knew me noticed that I have changed.

My leg was saved from amputation

The surgery went well. The bypass was placed and in several hours I started exercising with the physiotherapists. The conditions, accommodation and care were at their best level. I and everyone who came to visit me saw a new, promising light, that the crisis was behind and my leg was saved from amputation, although I was aware that a long process of rehabilitation was followed, which after three leg interventions lasted for almost 6 months.

After 6 months of agony, I stood on my feet again

I was coming to Acibadem Sistina for daily dressings, follow ups and treatment. I barely managed to convince my doctors to allow me to go to Ohrid for 10 days to see the lake during late August. Reading the letter of discharge with the condition I was admitted in (which was seriously critical) gave me goose bumps of what could have happened if it did not come to see Dr. Mitko Karagjozov at the last minute. My 20 years of work experience showed that I know many doctors from different departments at this hospital, who scorned me about waiting and asking for help late. But I was not qualified to make the assessment of what needs to be done and when. Luckily, after 6 months of torment, 3 interventions, different therapies and walking aids, I am standing on my feet again, I a walking and don’t have any major problems.

I was proud to have helped someone

During one of my follow ups, Dr. Karagjozov called me and asked me to explain to a patient, who had his fingers amputated at another hospital, that I had a successful bypass surgery, my leg was saved and that he should not be afraid. I found courage to explain to the patient not to hesitate and at the end of the meeting he concluded to accept the intervention. I was proud to have helped someone with my suggestion, even though I was “angry” at Dr. Karagjozov who pushed me into the fire! Shortly after the meeting I started to do dressings myself and take care of my foot, which was unthinkable for me before.

Now, I have the obligation to continue to be extremely disciplined in the consumption of food and “hold” the blood sugar under control.

Infinitely grateful

Sashe Dimovski