
Recent news in the field of assisted reproductive technologies


Recent news in the field of assisted reproductive technologies

Causes of infertility, timely diagnosis and proper treatment as well as recent advances in the methods of bio-medically assisted fertilization were presented at the expert meeting on “News in assisted reproductive technologies”. The expert team from the Center for Assisted Reproduction at “Acibadem Sistina” set forth the following topics – Ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproductive technologies in the Republic of Macedonia, ovarian response to stimulation, infertility – Lets determine the cause, importance of ultrasound in IVF and embryo transfer, IVF – From experiment to routine treatment, 4 decades of uninterrupted development and innovation of the IVF cycle.

The expert meeting in Strumica is part of a series of meetings organized by Acibadem Sistina Hospital which are held across the country. The meeting is accredited by the Medical Chamber of Macedonia.

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