
Handball player Ferreira Moraes Rogerio successfully operated in “Acibadem Sistina”


The pivot of the most successful handball club in Macedonia – RK Vardar, Ferreira Moraes Rogerio left home following successfully performed knee surgery. The intervention was performed by Dr. Mihailo Ivanovski, a traumatologist, together with the surgical team of “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital.

Rogerio told us in short about his experience with the hospital and the entire medical team who brought him back to his feet:

“The choice of hospital was obvious for me, I immediately knew that it would be “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital, and I entrusted the problem with my knee to the experienced traumatologist, Dr. Mihajlo Ivanovski. The complete treatment I get, from the first consultation until the period after the surgery, was at the highest level and absolutely professional. Dr. Ivanovski was available to answer all the questions I had at any time and he was a huge support for me during the entire process. I could not ask for more from the entire medical team who helped me stand again, and I will be forever grateful since now I can return to the field”.

Following the surgery, the pivot is awaiting a certain period of rehabilitation that is expected to begin in about two weeks, and it will last for 6-8 weeks.

“Ferreira is in great shape and I expect him to recover completely in the shortest possible time. The operation went well and after the necessary period of rehabilitation of about two months, I am glad to see him again at the sports fields, just at the beginning of the spring handball season”, says Dr. Ivanovski.