
We are growing together with Katja for one year


We are growing up together with Katja 


One year has passed from the moment when Katja began the greatest battle of her life. At that moment, we were aware that we are of the long and uncertain battle ahead and of the fact that we will have to face the greatest challenge. Katja shows an example that faith, patience and wholehearted support will result in success. She proved that a small, newly born baby can have plenty of courage and strength. We are happy that we won the most difficult life battle as today, all of us, together, celebrate life. This positive story, represents an eternal inspiration and a motivation to continue our daily mission.

A fight for survival from the first moment on

Katja was born on 4 February 2014, in the 26 gestation week, weighing 830 grams at birth. Because of her immaturity and the low birth weight, immediate primary resuscitation was required, followed by connecting the newborn to devices for artificial ventilation. During those moments, the experience and the rapid response of our pediatricians and neonatologists were vital elements for the Katja’s health. The treatment was in accordance with protocols for prematurely born babies with constant monitoring of all vital functions.

Ground-breaking operation of a baby who weighs 830 grams

Each day Katja’s battle was uncertain. One month after her birth, we faced another problem. The blood vessel that connects the great arteries (ductus arteriosus) remained open. This made the treatment more difficult and led to new complications. The drug intervention didn’t have a good result and an indication for emergency operation was set (because her health deteriorated each day). The operation was performed by Professor Salis Tager and his team. The intervention at such a small baby was performed for the first time in the region. Its success was an important factor for the further treatment and recovery.

Katja learned to breathe on her own

Katja’s greatest battle was to learn how to breathe. After many months spent dependent on tubes, Katja took her first breath on her own. Slowly but steadily, our fighter grew and gained weight.

After 100 days spent at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Katja went home

The long-awaited day finally came – Katja was sent home. Our care for her continues regardless. The team of pediatricians and neonatologists led by Dr. Simonida Spasevska, are always available for advice and consultation regarding Katja’s health. For one year now, we grew together and looked forward to each smile of hers. She is our little fighter who will forever remind us of  – how much courage and greatness one small heart fits.

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