
The winners of the contest „We choose the best mother-to-be”


The winners of the contest „We choose the best mother-to-be”

Dear all,

Over the last period we counted all votes of our participants for the contest “We choose the best mother-to-be”. According to the rules, only legal votes of participants were considered. After counting the votes, three participants with the most liked photo had equal votes. Due to the great interest and popularity of the contest, the “Acibadem Sistina Hospital” decided instead of one voucher for free childbirth, as it was emphasized at the beginning of the contest, to award three vouchers.

Vouchers for free childbirth receive the following mothers-to-be:


Angela Angelovska Usovska

Irina Mitkova

Magdalena Todorov


The “Acibadem Sistina Hospital” will contact the winners for the date and time to pick up their vouchers. The voucher covers the cost of either spontaneous or cesarean delivery.