
The most modern protocols for rehabilitation in neurology presented


On the occasion of marking the International Day of Physiotherapists and 50 years since the founding of the association, “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital and the Association of Physiotherapists of the Republic of Macedonia organized an educational seminar of one day, titled “Rehabilitation in Neurology”. Eminent doctors in this field, as well as some of the team physiotherapists had their addresses at the educational event.

Among the lecturers from “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital were Prof. Dr. Jordan Saveski, Dr. Lulzim Agai, Prof. Dr. Jovica Ugrinovski, Dr. Anica Hadzi Petrusheva-Jankijevikj, Dr. Milcho Demerdziev, Dr. Tatjana Chepreganova Changovska, Dr. Marija Gashoska and Vlatko Ilievski.

The lecture was attended by more than 100 physiotherapists from all over the country who contributed to the event with their questions and opinions.

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