
The first intervention of gender change was performed in “Acibadem Sistina”


For the very first time in the country, a surgery of gender sex of 33 years old man from Macedonia was performed.  The intervention was performed by the team of top doctors led by Miroslav Dzhordzhevikj, MD, PhD, after 5 hour operation, changed the sex into woman. The surgery was followed live by participants at the first symposium on urogenital surgery organized by “Acibadem Sistina” Clinical Hospital and the Center for Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery in Belgrade.

In “Acibadem Sistina”  the first intervention of sex change of 33 years old male was performed. It was performed by the team of top urologists in genital reconstructive surgery led by Miroslav Dzhordzhevikj, MD, PhD, During the 5-hour intervention, the patient gender has changed in women.


“Preparations for this intervention lasted more than one year where the patient had to pass psychological preparation and hormone therapy. After completing the process of preparation of the patient gender change was performed. The intervention went well, the patient is currently recovering from the surgery.In the following two weeks,  the patient will stay in hospital, as needed for full recovery “.  said Miroslav Dzhordzhevikj, MD, PhD.

The surgery was followed live by participants at the first symposium on urogenital surgery organized by “Acibadem Sistina” Clinical Hospital and the Center for Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery in Belgrade.

“The symposium on genitourinary reconstructive surgery presented the latest achievements in the field of medicine and the participants  had the opportunity to attend in live the most modern surgical interventions that were performed by Daniela Andric, MD (London), Sean Elliott, MD (USA) Andre Cavalcanti, MD (Brazil), Atesh Kadioglu, MD (Turkey) Martinice Francisco, MD (Portugal) and Miroslav Djordjevic, MD, PhD  (Serbia). “said Ljupco Lekovski, MD, PhD, the medical director of “Acibadem Sistina”Clinical Hospital.

1-3 June 2017 at “Acibadem Sistina” Clinical Hospital, the first symposium on genital reconstructive surgery was held, and was attended by doctors from across the region. The symposium was the first of its kind in the country, as lecturers were the 6 most eminent doctors in the field of genitourinary reconstruction worldwide.