
Thank you for taking care of my Martin


Six-year old Martin Janev was admitted to the Pediatric Ward five days ago. His mother, Ljubica told us that Martin did not consume food and water for several days, had frequent diarrhea and vomiting, began to lose strength, dehydrated and completely languished.

“We brought him at the ‘Acibadem Sistina” in a rush. We were welcomed by Dr. Aneta Demerdzhieva who immediately pointed out what tests should be done. Fortunately, the reaction time in the ‘Acibadem Sistina’ is so fast that it further gives security and confidence. The doctors reacted immediately and now I’m calm that Martin is a healthy and happy child again”, says Ljubica.

Only a few days afterwards, young Martin began to recover his smile and strength. He was again the child from some time ago. The fear and tears on his face disappeared but also the parents’ concern.

“We are thankful to the entire team of the Department of Pediatrics and to Dr. Demerdzhieva for their responsiveness, professionalism and dedication to the youngest patients. This staff returns the smile in children, but also in the parents since a healthy child means a happy parent. All the personnel there were really wonderful, starting from doctors to nurses, hygienists. The food was excellent while the hygiene also at the highest level”, explains Ljubica, Martin’s mother.

“Summer time is the period of frequent intestinal viral and bacterial infections. The children usually go by without major complications, at home, but they follow our recommendations and come to follow-up visits. Martin’s condition particularly demanded hospital treatment because of the frequent loose stools and vomiting, which quickly lead to dehydration. After five-day stay, Martin was completely healed and we let him go home”, said Dr. Aneta Demerdzhieva.