
Prof. Dr. Kiril Lozanche and “Acibadem Sistina” gave Philip a new chance for life


“Acibadem Sistina” Hospital takes over the expenses for the surgery of young Philip

A relapse of the tumor removed five years ago was the reason why 14-years-old Philip had to undergone a neurosurgical intervention again. Philip’s parents, who had no financial means to perform the operation, sent an appeal for help over social media.

Funds raised through the donation were not enough to cover the costs of the intervention. “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital and Prof. Dr. Kiril Lozanche, the neurosurgeon who performed Philip’s first surgery, met the requirements of the parents and accepted to perform the surgery.

“I want to express my immense gratitude to Acibadem Sistina Hospital and Prof. Dr. Kiril Lozanche. Anyone who is a parent will understand what they have done for us. Our financial situation did not allow us to have a surgery in a private hospital, but thanks to the humanity by the neurosurgical team and the hospital management, now Philip feels well”, says Slobodanka Petrovska, mother of Philip.

Philip’s surgery was a serious challenge, primarily because of the specific localization of the tumor.

“I was familiar with Philip’s condition, since I followed his case 5 years ago, when I performed the first intervention. Unfortunately, the tumor relapsed and it was necessary to perform surgery of the head again. The treatment included a multidisciplinary team of neurosurgeons, neurologists, anesthesiologists and oncologists. The safety of the intervention has greatly supported by application of neuromonitoring that enables following of the operating field with no possibility of nerve injury during the intervention. The surgery went well”, says Prof. Dr. Lozanche.

After the intervention, Philip is in good health condition. Regular follow-up examinations and monitoring of his status follow.