
Please yourself with no remorse and fear!


When a silent trouble or illness happens to us we make one of the most common mistakes – we become so serious that it further aggravates the situation. Instead of resorting to things that rejoice and make him happy, a scared and depressed man becomes even more rigid towards himself. In general, there are two reasons why this happens – a fear that is opposite to love and a superstition that hides in every pore of the society. Believing that the disease is punishment from God, man becomes even more rigid when something befallen him, so as in the pagan ages he is convinced that God seeks a sacrifice, and begins to unconsciously trade with an imaginary deity to whom he attaches the characteristics of a corrupt bureaucrat. Instead of gradually raising his vibrations at that moment, by pleasing himself and doing things that genuinely suit him and thus changing the focus, the man further kills himself by isolating, compelling himself to do things that he does not like. He tries to correct the situation by punishing himself but in fact he only exacerbates it. In a fantastic way it all fits with the collective destructive beliefs based on the creed that laughter and abundance are something bad. Additionally, the almost vulgar understanding of the public to the phenomenon of disease contributes to the fact that the public, who often does not understand the role of the psyche in a person’s life, believes it is enough to take the medicines and therapies and very often it forces the diseased into emotional quarantine due to their own fear! These mental fools do not understand how much joy, laughter and self-indulgence are something important, and that the psyche has a key role in the illness but also in the recovery. When Anita Moorjani came out of clinical death, the first thing she did was going for shopping and buying a lot of chocolate. Love for yourself at the time when a disease occurs is not manifested by abusing and punishing ourselves with things of psychic and material nature that we do not tolerate and we believe will help us but by pleasing ourselves. Because the joy and happiness are above all. All that we do out of fear anulls the positive effect of what we consume – be it a certain food or affirmation or anything else. Everything stops to be healing the moment when we do it out of fear and contrary to our good mood and the essence of our being. But for thousands of years there is almost an archetype that self-abusing and torturing are an excellent way to carry out metaphysical trade. But God is not a merchant; the universe recognizes only the vibrations we send out. Everything that is done out of fear gives birth to a new fear … And the thing is simple – we need to start from things that rejoice us, things that pleases us, that make us happy – so we return to the “streaming” of God’s love most promptly.The joy of being what we are, and not what someone else explained to us that we have to do or that it is “wise” for us to do it in order to benefit us in this or any other world! God does not trade; he understands only the language of love. But you do not trade with your own soul too; therefore every person must stand in front of a mirror, forgetting the beliefs and expectations of the surrounding and the family, the close and the distant ones, and begin to live the way he wants and do what pleases him – while treating himself as he treats people who love and whom he pleases. And it should be done without remorse, since often a person who searches for his own joys would do something that his heart wants, but then he would completely destroy the vibration by his remorse and thus annul everything. So, find time to acknowledge and write down all that makes you merry and happy, but also all that you do out of fear – and start practicing the first list … I know it’s not easy to live freely and authentically when there are programs of fear, self-punishment, guilt and lack, but step by step you will promptly feel the change – only if you are brave enough to get out of the inherited destructive programs of fear. Because joy and laughter are the best remedy. Joy and happiness change our biochemistry. Fear is the worst nocebo! So from now on, please yourself and you will shine to others as well …