
Pink T-shirts dominated the Women’s race this year again, our team finished among the first ranked


Acibadem Sistina Run completed another “Women’s race” as part of the Skopje Marathon that was organized for the 7th time in the capital. This year also had a record number of participants or 2.300 registered participants from 15 countries. 20 competitors participated from “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital.

The race had a competitive, but also a humane character. Some of the funds paid as registration fees were donated and t-shirts were bought.

The money raised are intended to help Snezhana Karadzovska in her fight to walk again. “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital participated in the race by sponsorship and traditionally awarded vouchers to the participants.

Once again, we sent a message about the significance of healthy lifestyle and the importance of the individual’s health. Our participants in several age categories were among the top 10 competitors, practically showing that we care for and practice sport life.

Participation in the Women’s race is another event of the Academy of Happiness while the next challenge is the Skopje Marathon, which we are seriously preparing for.