
Katya, our little star is a healthy and happy girl today


Our little star did not always look like this. This small face, these dearest eyes and hottest small hands did not always look normal. Three years and ten months ago, in the 26th gestation week, a little baby came into the world, with 830 grams weight and only 32 centimeters length. It looked more like a small, fragile kitten than a baby. The parents who have experienced this and those who are currently undergoing the same thing, understand the best how it looks like. It looks terrible, leaves you breathless, shocking … You do not believe that something like that can exist, and yet it’s your everything! Your love, your desire, longing … your little star.

Long and very thorny was the path that our little star Katya went through, and all of us with her, together with you timeless people. Starting with Dr. Lazarevski and Dr. Petrovska who took care of my pregnancy, our most beloved doctor Simonida and all other neonatologists, Prof. Dr. Salis Tager, who performed the greatest miracle, together with his team and the irreplaceable nurses of Intensive Care Unit. But the greatest strength had precisely Katya, who carried all the challenges on her back, and we were there to give her a hand. Although small, so fragile and seemingly glassy after exactly 100 days of struggle for life, she succeeded. He showed us all that miracles really happen.

Today Katya is a girl who reveals the world through game like all other kids. She is happy, naughty, curious and sometimes very stubborn, our clever girl! She goes to kindergarten, has friends and loves her teachers very much.

Our winning team of doctors managed for the second time to bring into the world our another little star. Quite unexpectedly, after two and a half years we were surprised by Gorjan, Katya’s brother who was born in 34 weeks of gestation and only after 5 days in hospital left home healthy and alive.

Today, after so many years of struggle, we are complete. We are parents of two healthy and happy premature born children. We are immensely proud of our heroes!

Parents of premature births, believe, be there for them, give them a hand, those little but brave little stars will succeed, they will come to the end of the “endless road”! They will make this world much richer by having them in it!

Acibadem Sistina, again and forever, Thank you!

With love,

Marina, Darko, Katja and Gorjan

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