
Karacic: I came back to Skopje for the doctors at Acibadem Sistina Hospital – they are the best choice for my health


AcibademSistina Igor Karacikj r

Igor Karacic, former RK Vardar center back, who had spent seven years playing for the “Red and Black”, returned to Skopje again. The reason for his return has been the chest pain he has felt for a long time due to the continuous kicks he has got during handball matches. Following phone consultations with Dr. Ivanovski from Acibadem Sistina Hospital, he decided to take a brief break from training and resolve his health problem.

“I came to Skopje for particular reason, to perform examination and follow-up with Dr. Mihajlo Ivanovski. Acibadem Sistina Hospital employs professionals to whom I can leave my health without thinking. I had worked with them for many years while playing for Vardar; they know what’s best for us – the athletes and for my health, and that’s why I came back here”, says Karacic.
Dr. Mihajlo Ivanovski, a trauma specialist, says that after the phone call when Karacic complained of pain, an appointment was agreed and the Croatian national player came to Skopje for an examination.

“Following detailed examinations, we diagnosed inflammation of the second rib, at the position where the muscles attach, and we started the treatment immediately. First dose of PRP treatment has been applied today in the area of injury, and a significant improvement of the condition is expected soon. Physical therapy is also necessary for prompt rehabilitation of the young handball player”, explaines Dr. Ivanovski.

Karacic (30) plays for the Polish handball club Kielce this season.