
It is a prestige to be part of “Acibadem Sistina” team


Nurses at “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital work by a special protocol and in a standardized procedure that distinguishes them from all other hospitals in the region. Irena Nechovska, a nurse at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics and part of the hospital’s team since the very beginning, tells her story with a special love and emotions. She says she loves her work as it fulfills her, but on the other side she is fully committed to patient’s care. She and her colleagues at “Acibadem Sistina” have possibility for continuous professional development, making a prestige to be part of the team.

You can gain a lot of experience at the College of Obstetricians in London

Anyone who follows the development of nursing in countries of the European Union and beyond knows that the nursing role is distinguished as a profession from other healthcare professionals, but it is very important that together they provide complete healthcare and protection.

“All that requires continuous education. I learned the most at the College of Obstetricians in London. I had an opportunity there to saw in practice the issues we read on the Internet – what does it mean to have a separated profession, a nurse that is capable to work independently, but also as part of the team. This hospital provide us with those conditions. However, every year we go ahead. We develop our knowledge, so I can certainly say it’s a prestige to be part of ‘Acibadem Sistina’. Each of us wants to work at such a hospital”, says Irena.

First of all, the JCI standard means complete safety for the patient but for the employees as well. Nurse Irena says that the healthcare is the same for any patient. Communication with the patient starts at the entrance, so the complete relationship is built by the protocol with the nurses. They are responsible for both the physical and the psychological condition of the patient.

“Acibadem Sistina” is the only hospital with a nursing file

“Each nurse working at this hospital notes all interventions, all data and changes of the patient’s health status in a nursing file. One of the nurse’s obligations is to be a lawyer for the patient, to take care of his condition and to inform the doctor about the changes”, says Nechovska.

Eight years later, love and dedication to work do not decrease

Irena has worked at several positions in her professional experience. However, she is particularly happy now because she works at the department she started 8 years ago – the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

“I work at ‘Acibadem Sistina’ since 2010. The work makes me happy and pleased. The ability to work at a birthplace is a wonderful feeling. You have the privilege of witnessing the moment when a new life begins. As nursing obstetricians we continue to care about the newborns; their smile, happiness, joy is a sign sufficient to make us feel satisfied. It’s a great feeling when you see a mother’s face while holding her baby. The feeling when you see a mother telling her child how to eat, how she feeds her baby, cannot be described. It takes a lot of love to do this. This profession requires the most humane of us”, adds Nechovska.

Each of us was a patient once. Nurses at “Acibadem Sistina” know that and they want to help. They do it even after the working hours. Every fate, every necessity, every patient is equal for them. Everyone is important, and everyone has its own story. As Nechovska has.

Different fates, a lot of new friendships

Nurse Irena and the team at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics are completely dedicated to patients. She says that besides professional patient care, many friendships often occur. She was pleased to share an example where she and the whole team at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics were invited to the first birthday party of the daughter in Mirashi family, who underwent many ordeals to become parents.

“It was a pleasure for me and several colleagues to be part of that birthday party, and they accepted us as part of the family”, says nurse Irena.

The years dedicated to education and experience of nursing that Irena has are of great importance to the entire team. She is happy to participate in education for the younger nurses, cooperates with nurses of other departments that significantly strengthens the teamwork and it is of great importance for the patients.