Orthopedics and Traumatology

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Treatment of bone fractures in patients  of all ages, including geriatric trauma is provided. In addition, our hospital treats polytraumatized patients,  in which cases all globally accepted protocols are applied (life saving surgery, damage control). Surgical interventions are offered to patients with spinal, pelvic and acetabular injuries.

Limb reconstruction

Corrective osteotomy of the upper and lower extremities and operative interventions of poorly healed or not healed fractures are performed at the Department.

Hand surgery

Our surgeon team has positive results in the treatment of the complete pathology in the hand area. These include injuries and other conditions of the bones and the soft tissue.

Preventive examinations

The Department offers preventive pediatric orthopedics with examinations of the locomotor apparatus, starting from the neonatal period until the completion of growth. We include neurosurgical methods in the treatment of congenital and acquired deformities of the locomotor apparatus.

Sports Traumatology

The number of recreational and professional athletes is constantly increasing, hence the increased need of sports injuries treatment. Injured professional athletes’ treatment requires specialised attention. Professional athletes must return to their sport field in the shortest period of time. The leading specialists at our clinic provide cutting edge treatment to athletes by offering the most advanced surgical and arthroscopic techniques. These include arthroscopic procedures of the knee, shoulder and ankle joints in addition to all known arthroscopic procedures for the reconstruction of injured soft tissues.


Endoprosthetics – joint replacement surgeries of the hip, knee and other joints by using the newest prosthetic implants. Such interventions play an important role in orthopedics and traumatology. Resulting from the advanced level of treatment, they put an emphasis on prevention as well as on the high expectation of patients for a better quality of life. We are particularly proud  to perform  ceramic hip endoprostheses implantations and shoulder replacement implants.

Pediatric orthopaedics

The Department offers surgical interventions in children and adults  with acquired and hereditary defects of the locomotor apparatus, putting the emphasis on the correction of congenital bones and joints abnormalities. Soft-tissue deformities are also treated and muscle and tendon repair surgeries are performed at the Department. Surgical interventions offered to patients with cerebral palsy and other neurological conditions must be noted too.


Prevention and regular screening for osteoporosis is made possible by the newest densitometry apparatus. Conservative treatment of these conditions in adult patients, as well as treatment of osteoporotic fractures is performed. Vertebroplasty – a procedure treating compression fractures in the spine is one of the surgical interventions carried out by our team.

Orthopedic Oncology

Some of the interventions performed by our team include surgical removal of musculoskeletal tumors. Furthermore the implantation of revision prosthesis and tumor prosthesis is provided to patients who require such intervention. Surgical removal of bone and spinal metastases is also performed at our clinic.

Doctors at the Department

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