
Free exercises and breathing techniques for patients with COPD


Free exercises and breathing techniques for patients with COPD

On the occasion of World COPD Day – 15.11.2014 (Saturday), the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” will organize free exercises and breathing techniques for patients with this lung disease. Dr. Kamelija Bushletik – Pulmoalergologist at the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”, will give expert advice on the disease, as well as on dealing with the conditions caused by COPD. The breathing techniques will be presented by the yoga teacher Marija Siljanoska Mihajloska.

The exercises will start at 11 o’clock, in the amphitheater of “Acibadem Sistina”. In order to be part of the exercise please make a call to our contact center 02/30 99 500.