
Educational lectures on breast cancer awareness


Educational lectures on breast cancer awareness

The Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” together with the association “Borka – For each new day” started organizing educational lectures to raise awareness for breast cancer. The “Pink Caravan 2014” started its tour on 29.10.2014 with educational lectures in Sveti Nikole.

The eminent thoracic and vascular surgeon who is head of the Breast Center – Dr. Mitko Karagjozov and the oncologist radiotherapist Dr. Deva Petrova were lecturers from the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”. During the lecture, the citizens of Sveti Nikole had the opportunity to learn about risk factors, symptoms, and ways to prevent and treat the disease, as well as the newest developments and advancements in the treatment of cancer. Special emphasis was placed on the importance of early diagnosis, as a key factor for successful treatment. The lecture aroused great interest, followed by an open discussion among participants about various issues in this area.

This is the first of the series of educational lectures that will be held in the upcoming period. The Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” gives maximum support to the “Pink Caravan 2014” in order to actively participate in such educational lecturers, providing direct communication and health education to the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

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