
Educational event “Let’s Keep the Breastfeeding Together”


Under the motto “Let’s Keep the Breastfeeding Together” Acibadem Sistina Hospital marked the World Breastfeeding Week with an educational event.

At the beginning of the event, the guests were greeted by Dr. Dushko Fidanovski, head of the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Stanka Tancheva Krstevska, pediatrician, pointed out all the benefits of breastfeeding and the indispensable role of the breast milk, as well as the benefits of breastfeeding in relation to the growth and development of children. Besides the practical advices on breastfeeding Marina Sterjevska, nursing educator on breastfeeding, explained to the attendees how to practice a proper lactation.

Communicating their experiences, the special guests at the lecture mothers Katarina Ivanovska, Tamara Todevska and Gordana Klincharova encouraged the current and future mothers to continue the breastfeeding and to enjoy the most beautiful role in life. About the breastfeeding, they said it was a wonderful experience and motherhood was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to them.

The audience also joined in the discussion, while our BABY friends – Alkaloid, Medela and Avent” prepared gifts for them.

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