
Dr. Nikola Badzakov Lecturer at the International Congress of Gynecologists and Obstetricians


Spec. Dr. Med Nikola Badzakov, gynecologist at Acibadem Sistina Hospital, participated as a lecturer at the 16th International Congress organized by UGOSCGRS – Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Serbia, Montenegro and Republika Srpska, held in Budapest.

Eminent doctors from all the former Yugoslavia, namely Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, were invited to speak at the congress. At the invitation of the lecturer was Dr. Badzakov, and the conference was also attended by the current Chair of the European Association of Gynecological Oncology ESGO, Professor Denis Querleu.


“It has been my personal pleasure to present our experiences in treating early invasive cervical cancer in a woman who wants to be cured oncologically and at the same time preserve the uterus to get a chance to become pregnant in the future. This method was introduced in the world in 2000, and here for the first time in 2004 in the former special hospital for gynecology and obstetrics ‘Little Virgin’, says spec. Dr. Hon Badzakov.

Otherwise, Acibadem Sistina Hospital is still the only one in the region where this method is used. The surgery is performed with so-called minimally invasive surgery – laparoscopy, vaginal extensive cervical trachectomy, and laparoscopic pelvic gland removal (radical vaginal trachelectomy et laparoscopic pelvic lymph).

“We have already given birth to several children from spontaneously conceived mothers or, where needed, from an expert colleague at the hospital assisting reproduction. The congressmen in their discussions welcomed the successes and expressed astonishment at the method applied only to a private hospital in our country, ”adds Spec. Dr. Hon Badzakov.

The Congress was held from September 26 to 28 this year.