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Department of Diagnostics laboratories

The Department of Diagnostics Laboratories offers a complete range of services 24/7. The laboratories are equipped with an automated vacuum transport system enabling fast transfer of material, promptly delivering results to all hospital departments.  The Department’s expertise and professionalism, the provision of accurate results and the implementation of modern protocols in the operation of the Diagnostics Laboratories have resulted in maintaining the accreditation according to MKC EN ISO 15189: 2013 standard.

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Biochemical Laboratory

The Department of Clinical Biochemistry at “Acibadem Sistina” offers a wide range of routine and specialized laboratory diagnostics  of the blood, urine and other body fluids. The Department performs hematological analyzes by fluorescence flow cytometry as well as analysis of hormones, enzymes, degradation products, electrolytes, specific proteins, inflammatory markers, hemostasis factors, tumor markers, hepatitis A, B and C markers, HIV, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes virus, blood gas analyzes, urine, urinary sediment, drug therapy monitoring etc.

The Department performs all analyses promptly and efficiently with the results being delivered directly to the operating rooms and the intensive care unit, as well as to all outpatient clinics via a sophisticated laboratory and hospital program (software). Simultaneously, the Department is monitoring the overall hospital screening program.

All analytical methods are defined by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC), reviewed by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratories Standards (CLIA – Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), correlated in accordance to the criteria agreed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Biochemical Laboratory is under regular external control.

Immunohematology (Transfusion) Laboratory

The Immunohematology Laboratory provides the analyses as follows: blood type test, detection of anti-erythrocyte antibodies, cold iso-agglutinins blood test, direct antiglobulin test (known as DAT – Coombs test), indirect antiglobulin test (IAT -Coombs test). Patients treated at the hospital requiring blood component replacement therapy are provided with the necessary erythrocytes, fresh frozen plasma, platelets and cryoprecipitate. Compatibility testing – an interaction between the donated blood and the patient is compulsory for each patient requiring transfusion. Autologous platelet-rich plasma is beng prepared at the laboratory for patients indicated by an orthopedist, traumatologist or dermatologist. The preparation is used for faster healing of tissue injuries or at aesthetic corrections.



Outpatient Transfusion Clinic

A transfusiology specialist performs outpatient examinations in patients with limb arteries and veins problems, bleeding or thrombosis patients and determines therapy for patients under anticoagulant therapy – a therapy scheme. Conciliar consultations in clinical transfusion are held at the hospital departments (shared opinion on patients’ hemostasis and recommendation for further treatment).

Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology

The task of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology is to detect the etiological agents causing infections such as: bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.

Precise knowledge of the cause of the infection is important for the proper diagnosis of the disease. The isolated bacterial strains are then tested for susceptibility to a broad spectrum of antimicrobials (antibiotics), which is an essential prerequisite in prescribing adequate therapy for the infection treatment.

In addition to the healthcare for outpatients and hospitalized patients the Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology participates directly in the monitoring and the prevention of intra-hospital infections as well as in prevention of the current global problem of resistance to antibiotics.

Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics

The Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics performs prenatal and postnatal karyotyping, detection of chromosomal abnormalities by applying chorion biopsy, amniocentesis, placentocentesis and cordocentesis.

Cytology Laboratory

The Cytology Laboratory performs cervical smear analyses by conventional Pap smear (Papanicolaou) technique, fine-needle aspiration biopsy and cytology analysis of body fluids by conventional smear and cytospin technique.

Histology Laboratory

The Histology Laboratory at Acibadem Sistina Hospital offers routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, differential staining and immunohistochemical staining techniques. Using a wide range of monoclonal antibodies, the immunohistochemical analysis is performed automatically on AST Link 48 and PT Link (DAKO Denmark) apparatus. The laboratory provides genetic and molecular testing. Tests undergo internal and external quality control evaluation (NORDICQ-Denmark). Histological material is archived over a period of 20 years. The histopathology laboratory provides consultation services to patients seeking a second opinion.

The Department of Clinical Pathology at “Acibadem Sistina” is a regional leader in the introduction of the latest test methods. The Department of Clinical Pathology collaborates with the remaining departments at the hospital by which a multidisciplinary approach to diagnostics is enabled.



Molecular diagnostics

The Department of Molecular Diagnostics at Acibadem Sistina Hospital performs PCR molecular analysis conducted through a patented and proven gold standard- CEPHEID GeneXpert Dx System, which automates and integrates sample preparation, nucleic acids amplification and target sequence detection in the sample or complex of the samples, using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Molecular analyses

The Department of Molecular Diagnostics allows the fastest and most accurate analysis, assertion or verification of the presence or absence of specific disease causes (sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial or viral infections) for our patients and their health, according to standardized and universally accepted PCR method.

  • Xpert MTB / Rif real-time PCR
  • Molecular analysis to prove the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and resistance to rifampin
  • Xpert® CT/NG
  • real-time PCR test for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Xpert® HPV real-time PCR
  • Molecular analysis for HPV (Human papillomavirus)
  • Xpert HCV VL
  • real-time PCR test to prove the presence of hepatitis C virus
  • Xpert HIV VL
  • real-time PCR test to prove the presence of HIV virus


Guidelines on proper sampling, handling, transporting, accepting, preparing and storing a sample for analysis

Download the operating instructions for diagnostics laboratories:

-Guidance on proper sampling, handling, transporting, accepting, preparing and storing a sample for microbiological analysis

-Guidance on proper sampling, handling, transporting, accepting, preparing and storing a sample for histopathological analysis

-Guidance on proper sampling, handling, transporting, accepting, preparing and storing a sample for biochemical analysis