
Campaign “Walking for a healthy heart”


Campaign “Walking for a healthy heart”

The Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” joined the European movement week with its campaign “Walking for a healthy heart”. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of being active and about physical activity for prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular diseases, as well as to promote faster recovery after cardiac operations.

In the center for physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”, patients with cardiovascular diseases had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with basic exercises for their condition, breathing techniques as well as relaxation techniques and relaxation. They also received advice about healthy eating, the manner of taking their medication as well as advices on drug interactions with food. During the campaign “Walking for a healthy heart”, the patients consulted the team of top professionals from the cardiovascular center “Acibadem Sistina.”

Physical activity and cardiovascular diseases

The physical activity significantly reduces the risk factors for heart diseases by regulating the cholesterol, heart rate and blood pressure. It also helps in weight reduction, risk of blood clots as well as reducing stress and anxiety.

“The daily physical activity for 30 to 60 minutes reduces the risk of serious heart diseases. Physical activity combined with lifestyle changes like not smoking, healthy eating, weight regulation are key factors in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases” advise the specialists from the cardiovascular center “Acibadem Sistina”.

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