
Applying 4K and 3D techology to safer and more successful interventions


“Fast recovery, less pain, shortened period of hospitalization, prompt return to everyday life and work and better results compared to classical surgical methods are the key advantages of laparoscopic abdominal surgery”, says Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dimov, one of the most renowned experts in laparoscopic surgery in Europe

Acibadem Sistina Hospital has introduced a new sophisticated technology for performing the most complex laparoscopic interventions in the abdominal surgery. The latest endoscopic and laparoscopic 4K and 3D technology is applied in day-to-day laparoscopic interventions in the world renown centers, and from now on it will be available to domestic patients and patients in the region. “Acibadem Sistina” is the first hospital in the Macedonian healthcare sector that has invested in this latest endoscopic and laparoscopic technology.

The new equipment is the latest generation of the laparoscopic technology, helping surgeons to get a clear and detailed presentation of the operative field, much better than all previously applied technologies, thus guaranteeing maximal patient safety and successful interventions.

“4K technology provides four times better resolution and image quality than standard HD (high definition) equipment. It means that we see the operative field much clearer, thus getting high-quality presentation of internal organs, even of the tiniest structures, such as nerves and blood vessels. And the smallest bleedings, which are barely visible to the naked eye, become clearly visible by the new technology, so the interventions are performed completely bloodless. Capacity for capturing and displaing in 3D or three-dimensional technique provides real depth of the operative field and helps surgeons to orientate easier with the instruments during the intervention”, says Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dimov of the hospital Department of Digestive Surgery, known as one of the pioneers in laparoscopic abdominal surgery and one of the most renowned experts in laparoscopic surgery in Europe.

Applying the new equipment, Acibadem Sistina becomes the only hospital in the country that now provides the best conditions for safe, effective and advanced laparoscopic digestive surgery.

“Laparoscopic surgery requires extensive experience by the surgeon and the team that performs it. However, impeccable appliances and advanced technology for presenting the abdominal cavity are necessary as well. By meeting these two conditions – experience and technique, each or almost every classical surgery is possible to be performed by laparoscopy too. Benefits to the quality of life for the patient are multiple in each of the applied procedures. One of such examples certainly is the application of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of tumors and other diseases of the colon and the rectum. Besides all recognized advantages, it drastically reduces the number of patients who are forced to live with anus praeter or bag after the surgery. Thus, apart from the disease removal, it is also possible to maintain the quality of life for patients, which is especially important for patients and their families as well”, points out Prof. Dr. Dimov.

Fast recovery, shortened period of hospitalization, less pain, and better results than conventional surgical methods are the key advantages of laparoscopic abdominal surgery. Laparoscopic surgery today is a routine procedure in all referential surgical centers around the world. This surgery is the gold standard in the treatment of many abdominal diseases and conditions, especially since it provides much better treatment results in relation to the classical surgery.