


Due to the current situation with the coronavirus COVID-19, for the purpose of prevention, and patient protection and safety, Acibadem Sistina Hospital is introducing a special protocol of movement while visiting the hospital.

Please follow the preventive recommendations:

  • Regular scheduled appointments for examinations and interventions will run smoothly
  • Make sure you wear a protective mask when you enter the hospital
  • Visiting of patients is limited to only one visitor at a time
  • Visiting hours: 10:00am – 12:00pm; 4:00pm – 6:00pm
  • We recommend that pregnant women and children do not come to visit patients
  • Entering the hospital is restricted and the hospital can be entered only through Entrance A and Emergency Center
  • All persons entering the hospital are required to pass control at the entrances in operation
  • Maintain good personal hygiene practices

Acibadem Sistina Hospital has full capacity to perform coronavirus testing, but it respects the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and good clinical practice and therefore reference analyses and coronavirus detection tests are not performed at the Hospital.