
Acibadem Sistina is not a covid hospital

AcibadeSistina web

In accordance with the new decree of the Government, as well as respecting all moral, ethical and medical principles, we inform you that Acibadem Sistina Hospital does not provide treatment for Covid-19 positive patients, except for patients with a life-threatening condition for which urgent treatment is needed, but positive coronavirus test is obtained on admission or while the patient is being prepared for intervention. The hospital has implemented a protocol since the very beginning and all hospitalized patients are tested for coronavirus with a rapid PCR test, in our country performed only by us. During interventions, all safety protocols for personnel protection are observed, and patients are afterwards transferred to a completely isolated and specially equipped room for their treatment, located in a separate area in the hospital. Thus, the hospital provides the highest level of protection from virus transmission to other patients and staff. Acibadem Sistina Hospital does not hospitalize positive patients who need treatment for Covid-19 disease.