
Acibadem Sistina – a Hospital with outstanding professionals who save lives


How can you express gratitude to someone who has made you infinitely happy by saving the life of the person you love the most? In an institution with the highest standards and conditions worthy of care for critical patients, with a high level of professionalism, dedication, superhuman effort and humanity above all, a human life was saved, the life of my mother.

We have lived in the waiting rooms and hallways of Acibadem Sistina for 8 weeks. The fear of the worst possible outcome was constantly present, but the hope that there is a chance of survival was stronger.

Statistics predicted a certain failure, probably based on patients treated in a different manner and in conditions different from those this hospital could offer. The treatment made sense only in ideal conditions of intensive care. Any other option was a lost battle. Fortunately, these conditions were available at the General Intensive Care Unit at Acibadem Sistina Hospital, where Dr. Nikola Shikov and his team approached the case seriously. They have managed series of complications day and night that continuously defied the fight for her life, providing care at an extremely high level. Those days were like hell, nobody couldn’t guarantee nothing. All that was left was patience and anticipation and the huge support of your wonderful staff made our days bearable. We could see everything from the doctors’ faces. We lived to see a cheerful face that meant the condition was improving and we were afraid of the doctors’ concerns in the critical moments.

Fortunately, during the fourth week, a miracle happened. One morning Dr. Shikov uttered the words “we are on track”. The chances of survival increased, although uncertainty still dominated. The fight continued at the Intensive Care Unit, but with less fear. We could read from the glow in the eyes and cheerful faces of the doctors, nurses, medical technicians, paramedics. The faith that my mother would survive reappeared in everyone and she really did.

The rapid reactions by Dr. Milcho Demerdziev and Dr. Dejan Kovacevic were extremely important, who were present in the right place at the right time from the very beginning, and who were dedicated and followed and helped the overall treatment.

Other specialists were also involved in admission to the Emergency Center. Dr. Biljana Kostovska, Dr. Aleksandar Krstevski, Dr. Neda Trajkovska, Dr. Aleksandar Lazarevski, Dr. Lirim Demiri showed that team approach is a crucial competitive advantage of this institution.

Fortunately, this episode ended with success and is now in the hands of Dr. Anica Hadzi-Petrusheva Jankijevikj and her team of physiotherapists, who achieved excellent results for a short period of time. The rehabilitation was carried out at an extremely fast pace and in a very short period she was back to normal.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the management of the hospital, who approved everything that was undertaken in terms of saving her life. The superior equipment, high-quality medications and supplies were necessary for a successful end of the battle. My message to the management would be only one: Keep these outstanding professionals who save lives so that they could help other families who need help.


Infinitely grateful,


Marijana Andrik

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