6. Публикации
1. Јашар Џ. Башеска Н. Кубелка К. Зографски Ѓ. Хистолошка дијагноза на туберкулозата. Макед Мед Преглед 1999;53(Супл.39):85
2. Кубелка К. Башеска Н. Јашар Џ. Зографски Ѓ. Ехинококоза – анализа на 10 годишен хисто-патолошки материјал. Макед Мед Преглед 1999;53(Супл.39):86
3. Башеска Н. Јашар Џ. Кубелка К. Зографски Ѓ. Ставриќ Ѓ. Молекуларна детекција на Хуман-папилома вирусните инфекции на аногениталните лигавици со методот на ин ситу хибридизација. Макед Мед Преглед 1999;53(Супл.39):87
4. Yashar G. Basheska N. KubelkaK. Zografski G. Immunohistochemical study of phyllodes tumor of the breast. Virchows Arch 1999;435(3):203
5. Basheska N. Yashar G. KubelkaK. Zografski G. Stavric G. Paravaginal female adnexal tumor of probable wolfian origin. a case report. Virchows Arch 1999;435(3):230
6. Јашар Џ. Башеска Н. Кубелка К. Зографски Ѓ. Прогностичко значење на п53 протеинот и пролиферативниот маркер Ки-67 во раните стадиуми на карциномот на дојката, II Македонски имунолошки конгрес, Охрид Мак Мед Преглед 2000;54(Супл.43):363
7. Кубелка К. Башеска Н. Јашар Џ. Зографски Ѓ. Прогностичко значење на тумор инфилтрирачките лимфоцити кај примарниот малигни меланом на кожата, II Македонски имунолошки конгрес, Охрид. Мак Мед Преглед 2000;54(Супл.43):364
8. Yashar G. Basheska N. Ivkovski Lj. KubelkaK. Dimovski A. Stefanovska A. Efremov G. Zografski G. Prognostic significance of DCC protein, p53 and Ki-67 expression in colorectal cancer. XXIII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology & 14th World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, Nagoya-Japan, Clinical and experimental Pathology 2000;50(Suppl):100
9. Basheska N. Yashar G. Veljanovska S. KubelkaK. Krausz T. Zografski G. Primary Malignant Nerve Sheath Tumor of the Uterine Cervix. XXIII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology & 14th World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, Nagoya-Japan, Clinical and experimental Pathology 2000;50(Suppl):121
10. Yashar G. Basheska N. KubelkaK. Zografski G. Expression of p53 and Ki-67 immunoreactivity in breast cancer patients. Correlation with hormone receptor status and clinicopathological parameters. II Kongres na hirurzite na Makedonija, Ohrid, Kniga na abstrakti str.155, 27-30 septemvri 2000
11. Basheska N, Yashar G, Veljanovska S, KubelkaK, Prodanova I, Zografski G, Stavric G. Blood vessel invasion and inflammatory stromal reaction ata the invasion front as additional significant prognostic factors in surgically treated patients with cervical carcinoma. Virchows Arch 2001;439(3):329
12. KubelkaK, Basheska N, Yashar G, Prodanova I, Ivkovski Lj, Zografski G. Benign and malignant pigmented lesions of the female genital tract (FGT). Report of 15 cases. Virchows Arch 2001;439(3):335-336
13. Yashar G, Basheska N, Ivkovski Lj, KubelkaK, Zografski G. Myoepithelial carcinoma of the breast arising in adenomyoepithelioma. A case report. Virchows Arch 2001;439(3):451-452
14. Genghis Yashar, Neli Basheska, Katerina Kubelka, George Zografski. Expression of p53 and Ki-67 immunoreactivity in breast cancer patients. Archive of Oncology 2001;9(Suppl 1):19-20
15. Yashar G, Basheska N, Kraleva S, Vasev N, Ivkovski Lj, KubelkaS, Smichkova S, Zografski G. Association between HER-2/neu expression and hormone receptor status in breast cancer patients. Acta Clin Croat 2002;41(2):161
16. Yashar G, Basheska N, Ivkovski Lj, Kraleva S, Prodanova I, Vasev N, Kubelka-Sabit S, Smichkova S, Zografski G. HER-2/neu expression in correlation with p53 and Ki-67 immunoreactivity and clinicopathological parameters in breast cancer patients. Abstracts of the XXIVth International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, 5-10 October 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Histopathology 2002;41(Suppl.1):73-74
17. Basheska N, Kubelka-Sabit K, Yashar G, Prodanova I, Zografski G Detection of Human papillomaviruses in early stage cervical carcinoma: Comparison of conventional and catalyzed reporter deposition in situ hybridization. Abstracts of the XXIVth International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, 5-10 October 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Histopathology 2002;41(Suppl.1):84-85
18. Genghis Yashar, Neli Basheska, Irina Prodanova, Nikola Vasev, Slavica Kraleva, Ljube Ivkovski. Katerina Kubelka, Snezana Smichkova, George Zografski. HER 2-/neu expression in breast cancer patients – Correlation with estrogen and progesterone receptor status, p53 and Ki-67 immunoreactivity and clinicopathological parameters. Archive of Oncology 2002;10(Suppl 1):32
19. Irina Prodanova, Neli Basheska, Biljana Hadzi-Nicheva, Genghis Yashar, Katerina Kubelka, George Zografski. Lipoleiomyoma of the uterus: immnohistochemical analysis of 11 cases. Archive of Oncology 2002;10(Suppl 1):99
20. Biljana Hadzi-Nicheva, Irina Prodanova, Genghis Yashar, Katerina Kubelka, Zlata Grncharovska, Neli Basheska. Uterine myxoid leiomyosarcoma arising in a leiomyoma – A case report. Archive of Oncology 2002;10(Suppl 1):88
21. Kubelka-Sabit K, Prodanova I, Yashar G, Zografski G, Basheska N. Endometrial adenocarcinoma occuring in young women. Book of Abstracts, Poster Session IV–Gynaecological Pathology, P-45, pg.86, Intraeuropean Mediterranean Conference of the International Academy of Pathology, 8-10 May 2003, Athens, Greece
22. I Prodanova, G Yashar, K Kubelka-Sabit, G Zografski, N Basheska Potential prognostic significance of apoptosis related oncogenes: p53, BCL-2 and mdm-2 in early stage cervical carcinoma. Virchows Arch 2003;443:317
23. N Basheska, G Yashar, K Kubelka-Sabit, I Prodanova, G Zografski Immunohistochemical expression of c-erbB-2 in early stage cervical carcinoma: correlation with human papillomavirus infection and prognosis. Virchows Arch 2003;443:317
24. G Yashar, I Prodanova, K Kubelka-Sabit, G Zografski, N Basheska. Determination of estrogen, progesterone receptor and Ki-67 immunoreactivity in early stage cervical carcinoma: Association with Human papillomavirus infection and prognosis. Virchows Arch 2003;443:318
25. B Hadzi-Nicheva, I Prodanova, G Yashar, K Kubelka-Sabit, Z Grncharovska, N Basheska. Gestational trophoblastic disease associated with ectopic pregnancy: A case report. Virchows Arch 2003;44:319
26. Башеска Н, И Проданова, Џ Јашар, С Вељановска, К Кубелка-Сабит, Б Хаџи-Ничева, О Арсовски, Ѓ Зографски. Предиктивна вредност на прогностичкиот индекс кај примарно хируршки третирани пациенти со инвазивен цервикален карцином. Зборник на апстракти на Втор Конгрес на гинеколози и опстетричари од Република Македонија, Охрид, Република Македонија, стр.56, 28-30 септември 2003
27. Проданова И, Н Башеска, Џ Јашар, К Кубелка-Сабит, Б Хаџи-Ничева, Ѓ Зографски. Епидемиолошки карактеристики на хистолошки верификуваните инвазивни карциномина телото и грлото на матката и нивните прекурсорни лезии. Зборник на апстракти на Втор Конгрес на гинеколози и опстетричари од Република Македонија, Охрид, Република Македонија, стр.56, 28-30 септември 2003
28. Кубелка-Сабит К, Башеска Н, Проданова И, Јашар Џ, Хаџи-Ничева Б, Зографски Ѓ. Аденокарцином и прекурсорни лезии на ендометриумот кај млади пацентки. Зборник на апстракти на Втор Конгрес на гинеколози и опстетричари од Република Македонија, Охрид, Република Македонија, стр.80-81, 28-30 септември 2003
29. Јашар Џ, Проданова И, Кубелка-Сабит К, Зографски Ѓ, Башеска Н. Прогностичко значење на хормонските рецептори, ЕГФР и c-erbB-2 онкопротеинот во раните инвазивни цервикални карциноми. Зборник на апстракти на Втор Конгрес на гинеколози и опстетричари од Република Македонија, Охрид, Република Македонија, стр.80-81, 28-30 септември 2003
30. Хаџи-Ничева Б (1), З. Грнчаровска (1), И. Проданова (2), К. Кубелка-Сабит (2), Н. Башеска (2) РАР-тест историја на пациентките со инвазивен ервикален карцином во Република Македонија во текот на 2002 година. Зборник на апстракти на Втор Конгрес на гинеколози и опстетричари од Република Македонија, Охрид, Република Македонија, стр.80-81, 28-30 септември 2003
31. Lj. Ivkovski, G. Zografski, G. Yashar, I. Prodanova, K. Kubelka-Sabit. The impact of immunohistochemistry in routine diagnostic cytology. Abstract Book of the 29th European Congress of Cytology, Prague, Czech Republic, pg.310-311. October 5-8 2003
32. Џ. Јашар, А-М Стефановска, Н. Башеска, И. Проданова, К. Кубелка-Сабит, М. Пановски, А. Димовски, Ѓ. Зографски Корелација меѓу DCC (deleted in colon cancer) генот и имунохистохемиската експресија на DCC протеинот кај пациентите со колоректален карцином. VII Македонски конгрес по гастроентерологија и хепатологија со меѓународно учество, Охрид, Зборник на апстракти, стр. 133, 2004
33. Hadzi-Nicheva Biljana, Grncharovska Zlata, Prodanova Irina, Yashar Genghis, Kubelka-Sabit Katerina, Basheska Neli. Comparative study of conventional and liquid-based cytology in a population with opportunistic cytological screening. Virchows Arch 2005;44:318
34. Basheska Neli, Prodanova Irina, Kubelka-Sabit Katerina, Yashar Genghis. Ki-67 expression in the invasion front as an additional independent significant prognostic factor influencing recurrence in early stage cervical carcinomas. Virchows Arch 2005;44:469
35. Kubelka-Sabit Katerina, Plaseska-Karanfilska Dijana, Prodanova Irina, Yashar Genghis, Hadzi-Nicheva Biljana, Veljanoska Slavica, Zografski Georgi, Basheska Neli. Small and large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of the uterine cervix. A report of 10 cases. Virchows Arch 2005;44:475
36. Сашо Банев, Нели Башеска, Билјана Богоева, Билјана Димова, Снежана Дугановска, Љубе Ивковски, Боро Илиевски, Весна Јаневска, Џенгис Јашар, Рубенс Јовановиќ, Славица Констадинова, Светлана Кочмановска, Катерина Кубелка-Сабит, Момчило Николовски, Гордана Петрушевска, Ирина Проданова, Милчо Ристовски, Лилјана Спасевска, Милјана Толовска, Петар Цветковски, Вања Филиповски, Биљана Хаџи-Ничева. Практикум за хистолопатошки вежби за студенти по медицина и стоматологија. Институт за Патологија, медицински факултет-Скопје, 2005 CIP – каталогизација во публикација, Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”Скопје
37. Irina Prodanova, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Genghis Yashar, Neli Basheska. Immunohistochemical expression and prognostic significance of biological marcers bcl-2, p53, mdm-2 and Ki-67 in early stages of invasive cervical carcinomas. Virchows Arch 2006;448:713
38. Neli Basheska, Genghis Yashar, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Irina Prodanova. Prognostic value of cell proliferation, growth and differentiation regulatory proteins in early stage cervical carcinoma. Virchows Arch 2006;448:712
39. Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Irina Prodanova, Genghis Yashar, Gjorgji Zografski, Neli Basheska. Female genital actinomycosis: a review of 24 cases. Virchows Arch 2006;448:713
40. Genghis Yashar, Neli Basheska, Irina Prodanova, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Aleksandar Dimovski, Ana-marija Stefanovska, George Zografski. Immunohistochemical expression and prognostic significance od DCC (deleted in colon cancer), p53 protein and proliferative marker Ki-67 in colorectal cancer patients. Virchows Arch 2006;448:722
41. K. Kubelka-Sabit, I. Prodanova, G. Yashar, G. Zografski, N. Basheska. Prognostic significance of the HPV status in early stage cervical carcinoma. BJMG 2006;9:69
42. Neli Basheska, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Irina Prodanova, Genghis Yashar, George Zografski. Conservative treatment may be beneficial for young women with endometrial adenocarcinoma. Зборник на апстракти на Деветиот национален конгрес по патологија со меѓународно учество, Софија, Бугарија, стр.61, 2-4 ноември 2006
43. Genghis Yashar, Irina Prodanova, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Biljana Hadzi-Nicheva, Neli Basheska. Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix. A case report. Зборник на апстракти на Деветиот национален конгрес по патологија со меѓународно учество, Софија, Бугарија, стр.61, 2-4 ноември 2006
44. Irina Prodanova, George Zografski, Genghis Yashar, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Neli Basheska. Metastatic malignant melanoma of the ovary: a histopathological and immunohistochemical study of three cases. Зборник на апстракти на Деветиот национален конгрес по патологија со меѓународно учество, Софија, Бугарија, стр.63-64, 2-4 ноември 2006
45. Basheska N, Prodanova I. Kubelka-Sabit K, Zografski G. Ovarain cellular fibromas: A clinicopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of 10 cases.[abstract No. PP3-23] In: Abstracts of the 21st European Congress of Pathology, September 8-13, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Virchows Arch 2007; 451:395.
46. Prodanova I, Kubelka-Sabit K, Basheska N. Evaluation of combined bcl-2/mdm-2 immunohistochemical expression as a prognostic factor in early stages of invasive cervical carcinomas. Abstracts of the 21st European Congress of Pathology, September 8-13, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Virchows Arch 2007; 451:498-9.
47. Kubelka-Sabit K, Prodanova I, Zografski G, Basheska N. Recurrent aggressive angiomyxoma of the vulva. A case report. Abstract Book of the 17th National Congress of Pathology, September 8-13, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. 2007:88.
48. Basheska N, Prodanova I. Kubelka-Sabit K, Veljanovska S, Arsovski O, Zografski G. The implementation of prognostic index and risk grouping in surgically treated cervical carcinoma patients: A prospective validation study.Abstracts of the 3rd Intercontinental Congress of Pathology, May 17-22, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Virchows Arch 2008; 452(Suppl 1):S578-9.
49. Kubelka-Sabit K, Prodanova I, Zografski G, Basheska N. Atypical polypoid adenomyoma of the uterus. A report of eleven cases. Abstracts of the 3rd Intercontinental Congress of Pathology, May 17-22, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Virchows Arch 2008; 452(Suppl 1):S592.
50. Prodanova I, Kubelka-Sabit K, Basheska N. Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor of the uterus with aggressive behaviour: a case report. Abstracts of the XXVIIth International Congress of the International Academy Pathology, October 12-17, 2008, Athens, Greece. Histopathology 2008; 53(Suppl 1):200.30.
51. Basheska N, Prodanova I, Kubelka-Sabit K, Zografski G. Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma with mural nodule of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Report of a case. Abstracts of the XXVIIth International Congress of the International Academy Pathology, October 12-17, 2008, Athens, Greece. Histopathology 2008; 53(Suppl 1):179.
52. Jasar D, Kostadinov J, Panchevski N, Matevska-Anastasovska E, Badzakov N, Timcheva S, Lazarevski S, Sardzovski B, Kubelka-Sabit K. Resectiom nargin status in conisation specimens as prognostic marker for reccurrences in high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix. Abstracts from the XXIInd European Congress of Pathology, September 4-9, Florence, Italy. Virchows Arch 2009;455(Suppl 1):S301
53. Badzakov N, Panchevski N, Sardzovski B, Matevksa E, Shikov N, Jasar Dz, Kubelka-Sabit K. Hysterectomy and women satisfaction: laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy versus laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Gynecol Surg 2009;6(Suppl 1 ):S188.
54. Badzakov N, Panchevski N, Sardzovski B, Kostadinov J,. Temelkovski M, Jasar Dz, Kubelka-Sabit K. Laparoscopically assisted versus open surgery for endometrial carcinoma. Abstracts from the 16th International meeting of the European society of gynaecological oncology (ESGO), Belgrade, Serbia, October 11-14, 2009.
55. Jasar Dz, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V. Prediction of reccurrence after treatment for high grade squamouis intraepithelia lesions: the role of endocervical margins. Abstracts from the 23rd European Congresss of Pathology, 27 August-1 September 2011, Helsinki, Finland. Virchows Arch 2011;459(Suppl 1):S236.
56. Nikola Badzakov, Sardzovski B, Shikov N, Kubelka-Sabit K, Jashar Dz. From open “nerve-sparing” radical hysterectomy (NS-RAH) to ”nerve-sparing” laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (NS-LPSRH) for early stage cervical cancer (CC): Surgico-pathological measurements. Abstracts from the 1st Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International Participation 12-16 October 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
57. Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Filipovski V, Jashar Dz. Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of triple negative breast cancers. Abstracts from the 1st Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International Participation 12-16 October 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
58. Vanja Filipovski, Kubelka-Sabit K, Jashar Dz. Needle core breast biopsies: Radiologic-histologic correlation and problems in histological interpretation. Abstracts from the 1st Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International Participation 12-16 October 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
59. Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V, Jashar Dz. Sclerosing peritonitis associated with luteinized thecomas of the ovaries. Abstracts from the XXIX Congress of the nternational Academy of Pathology, 30 Sep-5 Oct 2012, Capetown, South Africa. Histopathology 2012;61 (Suppl.1):105.
60. Jashar Dz, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V. Image analysis for quantitative immunohistochemical evaluation of HER-2/neu and hormone receptor expression in breast carcinomas. Abstracts from the XXIX Congress of the nternational Academy of Pathology, 30 Sep-5 Oct 2012, Capetown, South Africa. Histopathology 2012;61 (Suppl.1):22.
61. Kubelka-Sabit K, Jashar Dz, Filipovski V, Jovanovik R, Petrushevska G. Kikuchi disease presenting as axillary lymphadenopathy-case report. Abstracts from the Ist Macedonian intercongress meeting with international participation. 27-29 May 2013, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
62. Maleva I, Kubelka-Sabit K, Jasar D, Arsovski A, Stojanovska L, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Detection of copy number variations on oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes by multiplex ligation probe amplification analysis. Abstracts from the European Human Genetics Conference, 8-11 June 2013, Paris, France.
63. Bozhinovski G, Maleva I, KubelkaK, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Combined QF-PCR and subtelomere MLPA molecular analysis for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities in early spontaneous miscarriages. Abstracts from the European Human Genetics Conference, 8-11 June 2013, Paris, France.
64. Jashar Dz, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V. Quality control of immunohistochemical analysis of hormone receptors and performing the herceptin test. International conference “Quality and competence 2013”, 13-15 June 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
65. Kubelka-Sabit K, Bozinovski G, Jashar Dz, Filipovski V, Maleva I, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Histological and molecular characterization of placental tissue in early spontaneous abortions. Abstracts from the XVIII Medical professional meeting of the Association of Albanian medical doctors in Macedonia. 26-27 October 2013, Struga, Republic of Macedonia.
66. Vanja Filipovski, Kubelka-Sabit K, Jashar Dz, Dukova B. Recal metastasis originating from occult lobular breast carcinoma. Abstracts from the XXVth European Congress of Pathology, 31 Aug-4 Sep, Lisabon, Portugal. Virchows Arch 2013;463:248-9.
67. Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V, Jasar Dz. Comparison of HER2 status in breast cancer patients using CISH and immunohistohemical protocols. Abstracts from the XXX Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, 6-10 October 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Pathology 2014;46:S55.
68. Kubelka-Sabit K, Bozinovski G, Filipovksi V, Jasar Dz, Plaseska Karanfilska D. The utility of molecular and immunohistochemical techniques in diagnosing molar pregnancies. Abstracts from the XXX Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, 6-11 October 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Pathology 2014;46:S91.
69. Jasar Dz, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V. Impact of the Nottinhgam prognostic index on the occurrence of relapses compared with the HER-2/neu expression in breast cancer patients. Abstracts from the XXX Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, 6-11 October 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Pathology 2014;46:S57.
67. V. Filipovski, K. Kubelka-Sabit, V. Janevska, D. Jashar. Epithelial and stromal androgen receptor expression in prostatic carcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia. [Abstract No. PS-24-056). In: Abstracts from 27th European Congress of Pathology, 5-9 September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. Virchows Arch 2015;467(Suppl 1): S274
68. V. Filipovski, K. Kubelka-Sabit, V. Janevska, D. Jashar. Pituitary adenoma and primary pigmented adrenal hyperplasia in the settings of Carney complex: Case report [Abstract No. PS-02-028). In: Abstracts from 27th European Congress of Pathology, 5-9 September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. Virchows Arch 2015, 467 (Suppl1): S71
69. D. Jashar V. Filipovski, K. Kubelka-Sabit. The value of Nottingham prognostic index (NPI) in four molecular types of breast cancer [Abstract No. PS-01-005). In: Abstracts from 27th European Congress of Pathology, 5-9 September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. Virchows Arch 2015, 467 (Suppl1): S50
70. K. Kubelka-Sabit, V. Filipovski, M. Kargjozov, M. Stojcevska-Capova, D. Jashar. Estrogen and Progesterone hormone receptor status in HER-2/neu positive breast cancers [Abstract No. PS-01-080). In: Abstracts from 27th European Congress of Pathology, 5-9 September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. Virchows Arch 2015, 467 (Suppl1): S65
71. Jasar D, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V. Standardization of Herceptin test immunohistochemical analysing in the breast cancer evaluation. Abstract Book of Second International Conference “Quality and Competence 2015”, 17-19 September, 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia
72. Kubelka-Sabit K. Algorithm for Assessment of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Early Spontaneous Abortions In: Abstract book of Pioneer Century Science (PCS) 2nd Annual World Conference of Pathology, 18-19 June 2016, Prague, The Czech Republic
73. K. Kubelka-Sabit, V. Filipovski, M. Karagjozov, D. Jashar. Myxoid fibroblastoma of the male breast. [Abstract No. Case 12). In: Proceedings and Abstracts of 2nd Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International Participation, 1-4 September, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
74. V. Filipovski, D. Jashar, K. Kubelka-Sabit, V. Janevska. Androgen receptor expression in stromal and epithelial cells of prostatic cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia [Abstract No. PS 01-08). In: Proceedings and Abstracts of 2nd Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International Participation, 1-4 September, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
75. V. Filipovski, V. Janevska, K. Kubelka-Sabit, D. Jashar. Renal cell carcinoma, unclassified – a case report. [Abstract No. Case 15). In: Proceedings and Abstracts of 2nd Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International Participation, 1-4 September, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
76. Jasar D, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V. The occurrence of relapses in the breast cancer immunophenotypes. In: Abstract book of XXXI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and 28th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, 25-29 September 2016, Cologne, Germany. Virchows Arch 2016; 469(Suppl 1).
77. D. Jasar , V. Filipovski, K. Kubelka-Sabit. Bcl-2 and Ki67 as specific prognostic markers in estrogen receptor positive breast cancers. In: Abstract book of 29th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, 2-6 September 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Virchows Arch 201; 471(Suppl 1):S54.
78. V. Filipovski, K. Kubelka-Sabit, D. Jasar, V. Janevska Retroperitoneal and pulmonary metastases from burned-out testicular germ cell tumour as initial clinical presentation: Report of two cases. In: Abstract book of 29th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, 2-6 September 2017, Amsterdam, Ntherlands. Virchows Arch 201; 471(Suppl 1):S347.
In extenso објавени трудови:
1. Kubelka-Sabit K, Basheska N, Hadzi-Nicheva B, Grncharovska Z, Prodanova I, Yashar G, Zografski G. Common blue nevus of the uterine cervix: a report of 16 cases. Acta Morphol 2005;2:7-16.
2. Basheska N, Prodanova I, Veljanoska-Petreska S, Kubelka-Sabit K, Yashar G, Naumov J. Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor initially misinterpreted as uterine smooth muscle tumor with vaginal and sigmoid colon metastases. Acta Morphologica 2005;2:55-76.
3. Kubelka-Sabit K, Prodanova I, Zografski G, Basheska N. Recurrent aggressive angiomyxoma of the vulva. A case report. Acta Morphol 2007;4:24-33.
4. Kubelka-Sabit K, Prodanova I. Pathology of the vulva. Book of Lectures of the Perspectives in Gynaecological Oncology & Colposcopy Teaching Session, September 28-30, 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia. European Society of Gynaecological Oncology, 2007:127-142.
5. Kubelka-Sabit K, Prodanova I, Zografski G, Basheska N. In situ hybridization with or without tyramide signal amplification in evaluation of HPV status in early stage cervical carcinoma. BJMG 2008;11:41-50.
6. Kubelka-Sabit K, Petrovska G, Panchevski N, Dimchev P, Zivadinovik J, Jovanovik R, Yashar G. Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma. A case report. Acta Morphol 2008;5:16-21.
7. Kubelka-Sabit K, Badzhakov N, Jashar Dzh. Strumal carcinoid arising in a mature cystic teratoma of the ovary . A case report. Acta morphol. 2009; 6:46-49.
8. Basheska N, Prodanova I, Kubelka-Sabit K, Zografski G. Ki-67 expression in the invasive front as an additional independent significant prognostic factor influencing recurrence in early stage cervical carcinomas. Acta morphol 2009; 6:31-44.
9. Popovska-Jankovic K, Noveski P, Chalakova L, Petrusevska G, KubelkaK, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. MicroRNAs in Breast Cancer -Our Initial Results. Balkan J Med Genet 2012;15(Suppl):87-9.
10. Vasilevska M, Ivanovska E, KubelkaSabit K, Sukarova-Angelovska E, Dimeska G. The incidence and type of chromosomal translocations from prenatal diagnosis of 3800 patients in the republic of macedonia. Balkan J Med Genet 2013;16(2):23-8.
11. Popovska-Jankovic K, Noveski P, Chakalova Ly, Petrusevska G, KubelkaK, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. MicroRNAs in Breast cancer – our initial results. Balkan J. Med. Genet., Supplement; 15:81-86, 2012.
12. Dzengis Jasar, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Vanja Filipovski. Dietary and lifestyle risk factors in colon cancer developing. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 2014:Vol.7, pp. 76-80.
13. Dzengis Jasar, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Vanja Filipovski. What impact do genetically modified food (GMF) have on our health? Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 2014, Vol. 9, pp. 15-19.
14. Maleva I, Jakimovska M, Kubelka-Sabit K, Karadjozov M, Arsovski A, Stojanovska L, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Clinical relevance of CHEK2 and NBN mutations in the Macedonian population. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, 2015; 18(1):47-54.
15. Davalieva K, Kostovska IM, Kiprijanovska S, Markoska K, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V, Stavridis S, Stankov O, Komina S, Petrusevska G, Polenakovic M. Proteomics analysis of malignant and benign prostate tissue by 2D DIGE/MS reveals new insights into proteins involved in prostate cancer. Prostate 2015; 75(14):1586-600.
16. Kostovska IM, Jakimovska M, Kubelka-Sabit K, Karadjozov M, Arsovski A, Stojanovska L, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Clinical relevance of CHEK2 and NBN mutations in the macedonian population. Balkan J Med Genet 2015; 18(1):47-54.
17. Dzengis Jasar, Vanja Filipovski, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit. Nutritional epidemiology – Dietary patterns and the role of hormones in breast cancer. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 2015; 12:49-53.
18. Dzengis Jasar, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Biljana Curcik – Trajkovska, Vanja Filipovski. Vitamin B3 dietary intake and its role in aging. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 2015; 13:90-93.
19. Jasar Dz, Smichkoska S, KubelkaK, Filipovski V, Petrushevska G. Expression of p53 protein product in triple negative breast cancers and relation with clinical and histopathological parameters. Prilozi 2015; 36:69-79.
20. Dzengis Jasar, Biljana Curcik – Trajkovska, Vanja Filipovski, Katerina Kubelka-Sabit. Food allergy diagnostics: Immunologic reactions to foods and food additives. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 2016; 15: 15-22.
21. Filipovski V, Kubelka-Sabit K, Jasar D, Janevska V. Androgen Receptor Expression in Epithelial and Stromal Cells of Prostatic Carcinoma and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Open Access Maced J Med Sci 2017; 5(5):608-612.
22. Noveski P, Popovska-Jankovic K, Kubelka-Sabit K, Filipovski V, Lazarevski S, Plaseski T, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. MicroRNA expression profiles in testicular biopsies of patients with impaired spermatogenesis. Andrology 2016; 4(6):1020-1027.
23. Kubelka-Sabit KB, Prodanova I, Jasar D, Bozinovski G, Filipovski V, Drakulevski S, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Molecular and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Complete Hydatidiform Moles. Balkan J Med Genet 2017; 20(1):27-34.
24. Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Dzengis Jasar, Vanja Filipovski, Gorgi Bozinovski, Dijana Plaseska-Karanfilska. Molecular and histological characteristics of early triploid and partial molar pregnancies. Pol J Pathol 2017; 68(2):138-143.
25. Katerina Kubelka-Sabit, Deva Petrova and Biljana Crcareva
Anti-androgen therapy for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer – case report
26. Kubelka-Sabit Katerina, Petrova Deva, Zhivadinovikj Julija, Jashar Dzengis, Filipovski Vanja
Detection of lynch syndrome in endometrial cancer patients