
With the help of real professionals I overcame the fear of surgery


Severe pains in the spine and the legs were the first symptoms that forced Snezhana Stojcheva to go to the doctor. After the performed examinations, the doctor’s proposal was a surgical intervention on the spine, but the fear had an important role for Snezhana to delay the intervention. Physical treatments helped her to relieve the strong pains, but it was not a solution.

One year ago severe pains in both legs returned, Snezhana began to lose strength and she barely stood on her feet. The positive comments and recommendations by her close ones brought her to the ambulance of Prof. Dr. Jovica Ugrinovski. She considered him as a leading specialist who she completely trusted.

“I was brought at ‘Acibadem Sistina’ in a wheelchair since I was not able to go. I knew I could no longer postpone the operation. I was received by Prof. Ugrinovski who scheduled a surgery very soon. In my earlier consultation with a nutritionist, I was recommended a special diet in order to reduce my weight and to alleviate the surgery. Until the intervention I lost about 6 kilograms. Now that the surgery is behind me, I feel great. The strength in my legs comes back, I feel improvement, I slowly rise up and move. I am very thankful to Prof. Jovica Ugrinovski, Prof. Jordan Saveski, Dr. Anica Hadzi-Petrusheva Jankijevic and the team of physiotherapists. The hospital has an excellent team of doctors you can completely trust in. They all know their job, and the ultimate goal is a satisfied and a healthy patient. I thank them that they were always besides me. Even after leaving the hospital, I will continue to come for a physical therapy and I will adhere to the advices I receive every day. If I knew I would feel such an improvement, I would not delay the intervention for such a long time. It was my mistake that I waited for so long”, says Snezhana.

“Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that causes back pains, weakness, tingling of the legs, as well as disturbance of the urinary and defecation control. Stenoses can appear anywhere in the spine, but most commonly they occur in the cervical and lumbar area, causing pressure on the spine and they can also affect the legs, the colon and the bladder function. Spinal stenoses usually are result of aging in combination with certain degenerative diseases of the spine and they affect people over 60 years of age. But this condition may also occur in younger people with abnormally tight spinal canals, since their birth. Snezhana’s intervention was complex, but luckily it went well. Now the patient feels great”, says Prof. Dr. Jovica Ugrinovski.