
The third Expert Meeting on “Achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery” was held in Ohrid


The third Expert Meeting on “Achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery” was held in Ohrid

“Acibadem Sistina” Hospital held the third expert meeting for Cardiac Surgery. The main focus of the lectures was the latest achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery. Prof. Dr. Salis Tager – Cardiovascular Surgeon and Dr. Oliver Bushletik – Interventional Cardiologist were lecturers from “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital. Apart from them, Dr. Nikola Bakracheski from the Center for Cardiovascular Diseases in Ohrid lectured as well.

After the expert meetings in Stip and Mavrovo, the meeting in Ohrid is the last one within the Regional Conference for Cardiac Surgery organized by “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital. We are pleased to say that the three meetings were met with great interest and have been a great opportunity to share the latest achievements in the field of Cardiac Surgery, to exchange experiences as well as views and results in this area. The meetings were accredited by the Medical Chamber of Macedonia.

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