
The “Pink caravan” arrived in Prilep


The “Pink caravan” arrived in Prilep

Prilep’s citizens had the opportunity to be part of the professional lectures that are realized within the “Pink Caravan 2014”, organized by the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” and the Association For The Fight Against Cancer “Borka – For Each New Day”. Dr. Dragan Smilevski who is a thoracic surgeon and Dr. Slavica Kraleva who is an oncologist-radiotherapist were lecturers from the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”. They presented the latest achievements in (surgical and oncological) diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. After the lectures, everyone that was interested had the opportunity to consult with the doctors, to share their experiences and to answer their questions.

This is the fourth lecture held within the educational caravan. The lectures aim at raising awareness among citizens about prevention and early detection of breast cancer, in order to obtain successful results in treatment.

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