
The “Pink Caravan” arrived in Kocani


The “Pink Caravan” arrived in Kocani

The caravan for education and prevention of malignant cancers continued its journey in Kocani, where the latest information on diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer were presented to the citizens.

Dr. Maja Chapova Stojchevska who is a radiologist and Dr. Slavica Kraleva who is an oncologist-radiotherapist were presenters from the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”. The lectures were met with great interest by the citizens of Kocani.

The Pink Caravan, organized by the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” and the Association For The Fight Against Cancer “Borka – For Each New Day”, has previously held educational lectures in Sv. Nikole, Bitola and Kocani. The next lecture will be held in Prilep on Monday (24.11.2014).

Education is the first step in the fight against malignant diseases. The Pink Caravan will include a larger number of cities across the country, in order for more citizens to get involved and to directly take part in the lectures.

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