
The mega popular singer Nora Istrefi gave birth to a baby girl at Acibadem Sistina Hospital


The mega popular singer Nora Istrefi gave birth to a baby girl at Acibadem Sistina Hospital

On May 15, the mega popular pop and R’n’B singer Nora Istrefi received the most beautiful gift at Acibadem Sistina Hospital. The team of specialists led by Dr. Zlatko Palchevski delivered the healthy baby girl Rene by caesarean section. Istrefi is considered one of the most popular singers in Kosovo and Albania. She started her musical career at the age of 18. She has released numerous albums and hit singles. Istrefi is especially popular on the social networks and her videos on the Youtube channel have million views.

Acibadem Sistina is a health institution she trusts, and therefore she trusted her health and the life of her baby to Acibadem Sistina.

“I chose Acibadem Sistina on the recommendation of my best friends who had great experience in your hospital. I have known Dr. Palchevski for a long time; I used to come for regular examinations and decided to give birth here. I’m not saying that my country doesn’t have good doctors, but it definitely doesn’t have such equipped hospital and the most modern conditions. I am primarily concerned for my health and Rene’s. You have the best conditions, equipment and doctors who can respond to everything. I am very pleased with your hospital, this isn’t like a hospital but a comfortable hotel where you receive the best health services.” says Istrefi.

Pregnancy and motherhood are the most beautiful roles in life

“I am overjoyed, I have strong mixed feelings that I can’t explain at the moment. This definitely this is the best thing that ever happened to me.” says Nora about her new role as a mother. The pregnancy process was normal. She had public appearances until her 6th month of pregnancy and then she completely focused on her pregnancy. “I can say that I had an easy pregnancy. Earlier, in the first three months I had morning sickness but after that everything was in order. I tried to eat healthy, exercised, drank plenty of water and listened to the recommendations of Dr. Palchevski. Since I have a public profession I continued working until the 6th month of pregnancy.

I wanted the most beautiful name for my daughter

It was very difficult to choose her name because I wanted to pick the best name for my princess and I chose many names. The first name that I liked was Rene because it’s unique in my country and outside of it and I loved it. What is interesting is that the first letter of the name of my daughter is the same as my husband’s Robert.

Musical pause

Motherhood requires dedication and care. Therefore, Nora Istrefi announced that the break from her music is quite expected. “My whole family will take care of Rene, my mother, my mother in law and my husband. I’m excited that I am going home. ” said Istrefi as she was leaving the hospital.

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