
The latest achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery were presented


The latest achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery were presented

The Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” organized an Expert Meeting on “Achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery.” Prof. Dr. Salis Tager – Cardiovascular Surgeon and Dr. Oliver Bushljetikj – Interventional Cardiologist from “Acibadem Sistina” lectured on the latest achievements in modern Cardiac Surgery. The doctors from Eastern Macedonia had great interest in the meeting, who actively participated in the discussion and expressed their experiences from their every day work with patients. The meeting is accredited by the Medical Chamber of Macedonia.

This is the first of several expert meetings on the topic of Cardiac Surgery, which are part of the Regional Conference for Cardiac Surgery organized by the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”. The next expert meeting will be held on 03.12.2014 in Mavrovo.

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