
The hospital that emanates warmth and love


Faced with a hopeless situation I lost hope that I will be the old Filip again. At only 24, I was exhausted by the 8 months agony. I was not allowed to eat anything and without a crust of bread in my mouth, I lost 25 kg of weight. I was not even allowed to drink water. The life source was the stoma I wore on the stomach, connected to the intestines, for 8 months. Pureed food applied directly through it kept me alive. Each new day was harder for the weakened body with no strenght. Doctors did not give me any hope.

Surgery abroad

They were saying: seek salvation abroad, we cannot perform such a complex procedure. Those words kept me further away from my dream to eat normally and live again like my peers. We were seeking a solution, but the doors were closed.

We can make the intervention

In a hopeless situation, we decided to seek help for yet another week. So we went to “Acibadem Sistina” to see Toni Josifovski, MD, who was our last chance. I still remember his words: “we can perform the operation”. It was a huge relief and I impatiently waited for the moment when I will start to eat again. Toni Josifovski, MD, is my savior who managed to get me back the way I were.

I started eating again

The following 22 days after surgery I spent at the hospital where every employee shows warmth and love. The whole team was with me, they cheered me up and helped me recover faster. After the surgery I met my other savior, Zoran Trajkovski, MD, PhD, who performed some additional interventions and now I am the “old me” again.

I can drink water, eat fruit, eat solid food, chew and enjoy it. My weight increased by 15 kilograms in just 2 months. I cannot describe how it feels like to taste food and drink water again.

Thanks to Toni Josifovski, MD, and Zoran Trajkovski, PhD, I am the old Filip after only two months.

My life has changed and therefore I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Filip Gjorgjioski