
The Clinical Hospital


The Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina” opens its first Breast Center

Acibadem Sistina Hospital opened its first Breast Center, which offers diagnosis and complete treatment for patients with breast diseases. Due to its years of experience and team approach, with its modern technology “Acibadem Sistina” provides diagnosis of all breast diseases, as well as carcinomas with 3-4 mm diameter. The advantage of this Center is that patients with breast diseases can be admitted at any time, which is especially important when it comes to early diagnosis, surgical and oncological treatment of breast cancer. This is of great importance since, according to world statistics, if the cancer is detected in time and immediately treated, it can be cured completely in 99% of cases.

The eminent thoracic and vascular surgeon Dr. Mitko Karagjozov is head of the department, who has great success in the surgical treatment of breast diseases. The outstanding radiodiagnostician Dr. Maja Stojcevska Chapova is also part of the team. She is one of the main links in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

The Breast Center also includes a team of experienced pathologists led by Dr. Dzengis Jasar, who provide fast, accurate and timely preparation of all necessary tests that determine further cancer treatment using sophisticated equipment.

The entire process is completed with the only PET / CT center in the region and the powerful TRILOGY accelerator. Only the Breast Centre “Acibadem Sistina” offers radiotherapy of the left breast with maximum protection of the heart and lungs, with radiation treatment technique in deep inspirium thanks to the IGRT Trilogy. The oncology treatment is carried out by our top team of oncologists radiotherapists, led by Dr. Deva Petrova, who work in accordance with the latest protocols in breast cancer treatment.

The Breast Centre offers psychological support to its patients. Support groups for patients are organized once a week as well. Breast reconstruction surgery during tumor surgery can only be performed at this center.

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