
Survival rate of Cardiac Surgery patients at Acibadem Sistina is higher than the projected


New acknowledgment for the success of Acibadem Sistina Hospital. According to the last year’s results, mortality in cardiac surgery elective procedures at Acibadem Sistina is 1.90 per cent. Mortality rate is lower than the projection by the European Society of Cardiac Surgeons, which predicted mortality of 2.04 per cent for Acibadem Sistina.

The low mortality rate testifies the willingness by the hospital staff and the equipment at disposal, proving once again why Acibadem Sistina is the first ranked hospital.

Other comparative studies have indicated good results for Acibadem Sistina Hospital and the Cardiac Surgery Department.

Last year the Department performed revolutionary medical procedures that distinguished the hospital as a leader in the region and wider.

The first surgery of implanting total artificial heart in Macedonia was performed at the Hospital.