


Having the largest private laboratory in the Balkans and being the only one where all types of Covid-19 testing are performed, Acibadem Sistina Hospital has procured new laboratory equipment for test processing that has resulted with an increase in the testing capacity of over 1000 tests per day and thus has made possible to reduce the test prices.

In time when the number of newly infected patients with SARS-CoV-2 virus is increasing on a daily basis and in order to provide protection of the public health, “Acibadem Sistina”, as a responsible healthcare institution that has been involved and has contributed in preventing the spread of the virus since the outbreak of the pandemic, continues to meet the patients’ and citizens’ needs by doubling its testing capacities, extending the working hours of the testing sites from 8 am to 5 pm every day (including weekends) and reducing the prices and time of obtaining the results. PCR test results are issued the same day depending on the time when the test has been performed.

If the patient has a swab taken between 8:00 and 10:00, the results will be issued by 16:00, if the patient is tested between 10:00 and 12:00, the result will be obtained by 20:00, while for patients tested in the period from 12:00 to 17:00 the results will be issued the same day by midnight.

New price of the PCR test for detecting SARS-CoV-2 virus is 2.700 mk denars, including the hospital offer of a family package – testing of more than 3 family members at a price of 2.500 mk denars per person and a group testing package for companies – more than 3 persons at a price of 2.500 mk denars per person.

Serological test for detecting the total concentration of IgM and IgG antibodies in the blood, performed with the renowned SIEMENS Immunoassay Analyzer using a blood sample, costs 1.200 mk denars. It is an ultra-sensitive test that can clearly determine the exact immune status in patients. Detecting the total concentration of lgM and IgG immunoglobulins is extremely important in determining the individual treatment of each Covid-positive patient.

In addition, the hospital offers a package price that includes these two tests – PCR and serological SIEMENS test for detecting the total concentration of IgM and IgG antibodies at a price of 3.800 mk denars. Both tests provide a complete insight in the patient’s health status, i.e. whether he/she is a virus carrier as well as his/her immune condition. It facilitates the patient monitoring by detecting the antibody concentration that in turn determines the further course of the Covid-treatment.

Recently “Acibadem Sistina” has become the first institution to perform multiplex PCR test that simultaneously detects Covid-19 and seasonal flu. Its price is 3.000 mk denars, while the testing is performed by collecting nasal and throat swab.

Urgent PCR test is available for citizens who need prompt results at a price of 12.000 mk denars. The same test costs 6.000 mk denars for hospitalized patients, and the results are obtained in 2 hours.

In order to provide the most safe and timely treatment of patients and maximum protection and safety of the employees, the series of tests for Covid-19 offered by “Acibadem Sistina” has been enlarged by a new rapid antigen test for Covid-19 detection, intended for patients who are admitted at the Emergency Center and need a further treatment, emergency intervention or hospitalization. The test is performed by sampling a nasal swab, the results are obtained in 15 minutes and it costs 1.200 mk denars.

Considering other healthcare services provided by “Acibadem Sistina”, the hospital offers an additional discount of the PCR test for Coronavirus detection, at a price of 2.500 mk denars. Patients will be able to use the discount voucher within a month.