
Positive energy that is rare to find


I had a heart attack 13 years ago. I was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. The duty doctor told me there was bad news and good news. I asked him first to tell me the bad one, and he told me that I had had a heart attack. I immediately asked what the good news is and he replied that he will intervene and help me. The good news that evening was that Dr. Oliver Bushljetikj, MD was the duty doctor. At 2am we entered the operating room. Two stents were inserted. When the doctor made a career move to “Acibadem Sistina” I followed.

I go to the doctor’s with joy

When the word “hospital” is mentioned, everyone is afraid. Yet, to each examination and intervention at “Acibadem Sistina” I go full of joy. Everybody there is smiling maintains a positive attitude. I enter the hospital as an ill person, and walk out healthy. Last year, before I started the shooting of the film “Oh My Love”, I underwent an examination. Dr. Bushljetikj told me that I needed to take good care of myself and not work too hard. But as the Film director, I had to work for 10 hours a day. Two days before completing the shooting, I felt unwell. As we were shooting in Mavrovo, I was transferred to “Acibadem Sistina” right away. Dr. Bushljetikj enabled me finish the film. Once filming was complete, we agreed to another examination. I was then told that I had to undergo a surgery and was introduced to Dr. Salis Tadzher, MD, PhD.


I was calm and confident that I am in safe hands

I was friends with Dr. Salis Tadzher’s father, Dr. Isak Tadzher, MD, PhD, one of the most cultured people in Macedonia. There was hardly a concert or a cultural event to which Dr. Isak, would not attend. I also personally knew Dr. Salis Tadzher, MD, PhD, who is an excellent pianist and a great jazz lover. I knew he was the best in heart surgery which I was later personally assured of. He explained that 3 bypasses were needed and we decided on the date of the intervention. It was rather strange that I felt no fear before the surgery. I was calm and confident that I am in safe hands.

They are not ordinary people

The surgery was performed impeccably. After the surgery, the professor had visited me and told me that a quadruple bypass surgery was performed. I stayed at the Department of Cardiac Surgery during the following 10 days. The conditions at the Department are excellent. I now regularly go to medical check and I am feeling great. The other day I managed to climb mount Vodno. Dr. Salis Tadzher, PhD, has done an excellent job.

The most impressive fact at “Acibadem Sistina” is that each of the employees and physicians is a professional in their field. The positive energy they share before and after the surgery is rare to find. They all have special charisma and special significance and they are not ordinary people.

Thank you for everything,

Nikola Angelovski