“When life, on the one hand, gave us the most beautiful and greatest role of becoming parents, on the other hand, it gave us such a blow that we realized how valuable it is to live. Just one moment can change everything. A regular check-up ended with information that the pregnancy must be terminated and I must be delivered as soon as possible. On September 1, in the 29th week of pregnancy, our Bisera was born by emergency caesarean section. Mixed feelings of fear, uncertainty, tears, but at the same time joy and happiness were our companions for 29 weeks considering my high-risk pregnancy. But that was not the end. Our agony and daily challenges continued, for another 51 long days. Bisera was born with only 950 grams and 33 centimeters. I saw her for a moment and she was immediately taken to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with other small but the bravest fighters and heroes. Green coats, tubes, cables and machine sounds were our everyday life. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit door has become our favorite. There was our soul, our love, our only treasure, our Bisera.
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