


In the upcoming New Year holidays, the Center of Perfection at Acibadem Sistina Hospital offers special vouchers for cosmetic treatments and chemical peelings. These two types of vouchers worth 2500 and 5000 MKD, which one can buy for oneself or give as a gift for the upcoming New Year holidays. With the voucher one gets consultation with a dermatologist, a unique cosmetic treatment and chemical peeling for skin rejuvenation, which achieves the effect of hydration, face smoothing and lifting. The treatments in the Center of Perfection are performed with luxurious German cosmetics by a highly trained team for aesthetic dermatology.

The treatments are performed with a Beauty tower- multi functional device that has a Wood’s lamp with UV light that enables precise assessment of the condition and needs of the skin, rotating brushes that enable deep skin cleansing and removal of the surface layer dead cells , zoom magnifying glass, hot steam with ozone that warms the skin and dilates the pores, which enables detailed cleansing of blackheads and acne, as well as improving micro circulation, high frequency in combination with ozone, which disinfects the skin after dermatological procedures, hot-cold therapy – hot therapy relaxes the skin and prepares it for the treatment, while cold therapy soothes redness and closes pores, vacuum therapy as well as massage to stimulate skin circulation, rejuvenation and toning.