
Educational lecture – Lets keep the breastfeeding together


We invite you to the educational event on breastfeeding to be held at Acibadem Sistina Hospital on 7 August at 7 p.m. Dr. Stanka Tancheva, a pediatrician, will point out all the benefits of breastfeeding and the indispensable role of the breast milk. Marina Sterjеvska, a nursing educator on breastfeeding will show you all the techniques for easier breastfeeding.
Communicating their experiences, our special guests at the lecture – mothers Katarina Ivanovska, Tamara Todevska and Gordana Klincharova will encourage you to continue breastfeeding and to enjoy the best role of each mother.
Gifts for all of you have been prepared by our BABY friends.
Announce your presence compulsory on the phone 02/30 99 500. We are pleased to welcome you.