
Donated eggs, novelty at the IVF Department


Donated eggs, novelty at the IVF Department

Acibadem Sistina Hospital has signed a contract with the largest Ukrainian egg bank “First egg bank”. Patients, who need donated eggs during the process of assisted reproduction, can get them at Acibadem Sistina without having to travel abroad.

“First egg bank” is part of renowned IFV hospital in Ukraine. With its 15 years of experience in IVF, the hospital has entered into contracts with hospitals from 11 countries including: Israel, England, Belgium and Austria. The bank has more than 200 donors from the age of 18 to 36. The donated eggs are of the highest quality, in accordance with the European criteria and they are screened for infectious and hereditary diseases.

Donation of egg is required for the following patients:

– After chemotherapy
– Without any ovarian reserve
– After ovarian surgery
– With endometriosis
– Older than 40

Each patient has the right to choose a donor from the bank’s catalog, with provided photos of the donors when they were babies. Each donor’s features such as height, weight, natural hair color, eye color, blood type and BMI are also included in the catalog.